His hands gripped her waist like he was going to lift her before they travelled up her sides, the tips of his fingers grazing against her naked skin where her dress cut away.

"Should we head to the bedroom?" Toji spoke with a husky voice before his teeth nipped at her lower lip.

Y/N didn't hesitate to nip him back before she shifted from against the hall table and Toji began to ascend the stairwell. Toji didn't need to check she was following him because her fingers reached out and touched just the fringes of his.

Toji stopped at the second door along the landing and even though Y/N couldn't see his face she imagined his lips were pensively trapped between his teeth as he tried to make a decision. She was about to offer him an out, drop his hand and comment that she should leave, when he opened the door and passed over the threshold of his room.

She saw Toji's bed, that impressively large bed with a white headboard.

Simple light grey linen with a sneak of white sheets underneath with matching pillowcases.

All the drawers on his dresser were closed as was the mirrored wardrobe door.

There was a series of small photos hung up on the wall that faced the bed. They were still hung perfectly, but there was something so much more real about them than anything she had seen in a while.

Before her eyes could scope more, they stopped in the middle of the room and Toji was now stood in front of her.

She really wasn't sure what she was doing here. She barely knew if this was actually a good idea but here she was in his inner sanctum about to probably breach her inner-inner sanctum.

Toji hooked a finger under the thin strap of her dress lifting it from her skin but keeping it just as it was, giving her a chance to call an end to whatever it was they were doing here.

But she didn't, rather she slipped her fingers underneath the strap on the other side and slid it off her shoulder. Toji smiled coyly as he followed suit and walked the strap down her shoulder with his cool palm gliding against her humid skin.

His lips brushed a kiss where the strap had once sat, as though he was soothing the spot that had so valiantly held up her dress made of red and sewn with sin in mind.

Y/N's breath seeped over her wet lips almost like a strangled moan as Toji worked his kisses slowly up towards her neck, warming her with his hot breath.

The bodice of her dress fell away from her body, exposing her naked breasts to the lightly cooled air of the bedroom and the flaming heat of his stare. It was exhilarating, immersing, engulfing... it was consuming. She was on display to him and Toji was taking his sweet time taking it in.

He started at her neck, a slow, gentle kiss where the threads of her throat bled into her collarbone. Y/N breathed out a plush sigh over lips, just as Toji's slid a set of fingers down her chest. The moment they grazed over her nipple she felt a jolt of electricity shudder down her spine and soft bleats of pleasure fell from her mouth.

Toji grinned against her soft skin, the slowness of his actions were painful. Sure, he was acting cool, calm and collected but fuck if he didn't want to pick her up and carry Y/N to the bed and simply devour her because he did. Fuck he did.

But fate rarely gave do-overs, and he was certain that a third opportunity to enjoy Y/N was not going to come so far, so today he would last, last until his vision was blurred and every drop of blood in his entire body was throbbing in his cock. He was going to experience every part of that body and greedily drink in every sound, sight and sensation she could give him for as long as she would let him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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