Toy Bonnie, you SUCK!

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Toy Bonnie's POV

I woke up onstage at 12 AM. I walked to the party rooms with my feet clanging. I wondered who the guard was after Fritz quit and Jeremy went to the hospital because of mangle biting him. Who now? Won't the owners of this place JUST. GIVE. UP.? I went in the vent and I heard the guard flip up the cameras quickly. He saw me and he screamed. God! I have big ears idiot!
"Go away." He said. He sounded girly.
I went in his office like it was night 6 but me on 2,000 A.I. I jumped at him. He screamed as loud he could I couldn't kill him because it was so high-pitched and painful!

"Toy Bonnie, you SUCK!" The guard said. I realized he was Justin Bieber.

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