Ch. 25 Strategies...

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"Yep that's me." You say with a smile.

"Well looks like she's all finished with what she was doing earlier so Bokuto can probably introduce you now." Sakusa leans over looking behind you in the distance.

As you follow his gaze you see a brunette girl in a blue tracksuit

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As you follow his gaze you see a brunette girl in a blue tracksuit. Bokuto waves his arms in a huge swinging motion to get her attention. "Hey!!! Akemi!!!"

Hearing her name her gaze snaps in your direction. Bokuto comes up next to you ushering you towards the girl. He leans over whispering in your ear as he feels your body tense up. "She's super nice. It'll be fine, you know I'd never lie to you. Y/N this is Fukushima Akemi.

"Oh my gosh! Hi!!!!!" Akemi bubbles.

"Hi..." you say shyly, your nerves still managing to get the best of you.

'God your so eloquent... hi... really??? Use words dummy...'

"Hi, my names L/N Y/N. Thank you so much for meeting with me today Miss Fukushima. You really have my dream job." You finally manage to speak with some confidence, giving a slight bow to show your appreciation.

"Oh it's no trouble at all, and please don't be so formal, call me Akemi. Bokuto's told me a little about you and that you wanted to get into this line of work once you graduate."

"Yes that's exactly what I want to do. So when him and Kuroo presented the offer to come and meet you I just couldn't say no." Akemi's natural bubbly demeanor is so calming, you find yourself slowly relaxing.

"Well I'm so glad you decided to come and meet me. Oooo ooo ooo can I ask, where you are in your degree? Like what do they have you learning right now?"

"Yeah, I've got another year left before I get my degree but right now they have us learning muscles and their origins and insertions. It's got me super anxious right now. There's just so much to remember."

Akemi grimaces at the topic. "Ewww I remember those tests. I thought my brain was going to turn to mush while studying for those things but you seem like a smart girl I'm sure you got this. What strategies are you using to study?"

"Mostly mnemonics and flash cards. I'm sure I'll manage one way or another. Thank god it's the last test for this class." You try to give an optimistic smile.

"Hey Akemi, how's the jackals treating ya?" Kuroo interjects as he walks up elbowing Bokuto in the ribs, causing him to groan and pull away attempting to slap Kuroo back.

"Oh hey Kuroo, it's been great." Akemi smiles genuinely.

"See Kuroo we know how to be nice and respectful." Bokuto pouts, him and Kuroo continue their own discussion as Akemi turns her attention back to you.

"Y/N, I don't know if you have anyone that can help you with this but I do have a little study technique that really helped me memorize things. It gives you multiple ways of committing to memory in one strategy, visualizing, writing and through tactile memory."

"Really? Oh my god I would love that, I'm willing to do just about anything that might make this test have a more successful turnout." Your voice is brimming with excitement at a new way to help you study. Pouring over flash cards and memorizing gets so exhausting. You've lost track of how many times you've woken up to find flash cards sticking to your face because you fell asleep in the middle of studying.

"Well you need someone you feel comfortable with because you're going to be drawing on them." She explains.

"Drawing on them? Like with markers?"

"Yep, I usually went with a few different colors to note the different type of connections and muscles but essentially that's the gist of it. Me and my best friend took turns using each other as mannequin. We wore bathing suits and used washable markers and wrote out each of the muscles and I's and O's on each other. By using an actual human to do it you can have them move around so you can visualize the muscle and how it moves."

You stare astonished at her. "How did I never think to do that." You smack yourself on the forehead, laughing a little. "Like seriously that makes so much sense that I feel kinda dumb for not thinking of it myself."

Kuroo looks over at you confused on why you smacked yourself in the head. "Ya alright there chibi-chan?" He asks with a laugh.

"Yeah just feel like an airhead for not thinking of this sooner. Akemi was just explaining a tactic she used to study, by writing on a volunteer all the stuff I'm studying, like all the muscles and connection points, ya know?" You explain.

"Yep so now you just need a volunteer." Akemi says with a giggle.

"I don't mind being a guinea pig for you to study, if you need one

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"I don't mind being a guinea pig for you to study, if you need one." Kuroo offers with a smile, knowing full well Tsukki's going to flip his shit when he finds out. Kuroo's strategist gears spinning away in his mind.

"Really?!? You do understand that I'm going to be drawing on you with markers right? And there are a lot and I mean a lot of muscles." You feel the need to be up front about what he's offering himself up for.

"Yeah yeah, what's the worst that's gonna happen? I fall asleep while you doodle on me for a few hours?" Kuroo chuckles "it'll be fine, if it helps you pass your test then it's worth having to spend some extra time in the shower scrubbing it all off."

"This is great! Thank you sooo much Akemi! You are literally my life saver right now!" You smile. "And you too Kuroo! Thank you for subjecting yourself to being my doodle board." You say laughing. Kuroo nods in acceptance of your gratitude.

"No problem at all! I'm glad I can help a fellow PT. I have a feeling you're going to do great y/n. I can just sense it." Akemi bubbles.

You spend the next hour or so talking with Akemi about all the in's and out's of being a team's physical therapist. What all her responsibilities are and the types of difficulties she has had to deal with in that particular branch of work.

Bokuto was right, she truly was a wonderfully nice person but what really astonished you was when you were getting ready to leave she offered for you to come back again in the future to see more of what it takes to work with the team. The kindness she showed you almost brought a tear to your eye but you just barely managed to maintain your composure.

Once they finally dropped you off at home you began organizing your study notes and preparing for a few days from now when Kuroo said he would be free to help you study. In all honesty you would have preferred to have Tsukki as your study partner in this but your better sense said that probably wouldn't be the best idea.

You two already have enough trouble keeping your hands to yourself, you can only imagine trying to get Tsukki to keep his hands to himself when you are literally touching every part of his body. Kuroo would be the wiser partner to study with for this, you needed to focus to pass your test and Tsukki has a habit of being incredibly distracting.


🦖🦖🦖 Hey-o Tsukki simps!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.... Kuroo being his sneaky self is always fun. Oh how will Tsukki react to him helping you study??? We shall find out soon 😏😏😏 🧡🖤🧡🖤

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