"Childe says he's already reached." Albedeo commented, looking down at his phone.

I blanked. "Eh?"

"I wonder how many traffic laws he broke." Kaeya offered unhelpfully.

"How in the goddamn heckity heck did he get there before me?!" I sweat dropped.

"Ohh, he's a runner, he's a trackstar-" Lumine cut herself off, giggling. She still couldn't meme properly, but it was cute to watch her learn.

"Well, I was trying to keep things calm, but..."


...Anyway, long story short, I sped towards Center Parcs as fast as I could, and I may or may not have given Albedo a heart attack.

"It took you long enough, (n/n)." Childe teased, ruffling my hair as soon as I stepped out of the car.

"You and I are gonna sit down and have a long chat about road safety after this." I pointed my keys at him.

"Oh, come on, it was just a bit of fun." Childe smiled.

"Please teach him to drive safely." Zhongli smiled passive aggressively. "We nearly got into an accident."

I gasped dramatically. "You put my children in danger?!" I put a hand on both Qiqi and Klee's heads protectively.

"It was fun!" Klee giggled. "Again! Again!"

"Please, not again." Qiqi said quietly, holding onto my leg.

"Of course not, baby girl." I said sweetly, picking her up. She was at least four or so, so it wasn't easy to pick her up, but I did it anyway. I've practically adopted her at this point, anyway. "You can ride with me when we go back, and I'll get you coconut milk right now, how's that?"

"That sounds nice." Qiqi nodded.

"You put Qiqi at risk?" Xiao asked coldly. He still didn't like the harbinger, though he made a very feeble attempt to mask it in front of me. Childe simply smiled and ruffled Xiao's hair, much to the yaksha's annoyance. I think Xiao wouldn't have hesitated to stab him, had we not been in a public place.

Anyway, after all that boring check in stuff, we finally got to our lodges. I had booked three of them. Two were side by side, with the other on the opposite side of the pathway. They were wooden and surrounded by trees, which wasn't ideal for me, who's terrified of spiders and the like, but I didn't mind at the moment.

I put Qiqi down and patted her head. "How about you go unpack your stuff with Klee, huh? And once we're all settled I'll get you coconut milk." I suggested. She nodded and silently walked off to Klee, who was already collecting little pinecones from the trees. She dropped one and shrieked, immediately dashing to Jean.

"There's a bug!"

I chuckled as Jean picked her up, and patted her back comfortingly. It was cute to watch any of the adults interact with the children, honestly.

"C'mon, Xiao, Albedo." I smiled. "Let's go get set up."


After unpacking, and a few playful pillow fights with Xiao and Albedo, we made it downstairs to the lodge common area. I regret to say that Xiao won all our pillow fights, and Albedo and I lost horribly. It was worth it, though. I got to pinned to the bed twice by Xiao and my mind was running wild.

"It's still daylight outside." Venti smiled. "We should do something!"

"I saw a lake here!" Klee exclaimed. "Let's go fishblasting!"

"There are other people here, Klee." Jean explained gently. "That's not safe for them."


"I'd like to obtain a few samples from the forest here to see how it differs to our world." Albedo said, gazing out the window. "It would be interesting to study once I'm back in my lab."

"I wanna help!" Klee bounced up and down, clapping.

"I'd appreciate it." Albedo smiled with his eyes closed, patting Klee's head. "Thank you."

"Anyway, for the rest of us fun people-" Childe was interrupted by Kaeya elbowing him with a warning look in his eye. "-I mean, for the rest of us, I saw a beach next to the lake. We could go there."

"That doesn't sound too bad." I pondered.

"We should totally go!" Hu Tao cheered.

"Alright. The beach it is!"

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