Chapter 2

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{Zayn's POV}

We entered the flat and Avery stopped shaking but I could tell she was still a little bit nervous. I yelled for the boys which made her jump. I felt bad afterwards so I grabbed her hand again. She started blushing and I could tell she didn't want me to notice because she looked at the ground. The boys came in from the living room "What's up?" Louis asked not even acknowledging Avery. The other boys definitely acknowledged her, especially Harry. I snapped my fingers in front of his face to make him stop staring. "I'm Avery." She said shyly. "I'm Liam, this is Niall, Louis, and Harry." He said motioning towards each of the boys. "Hi." She said in a very soft tone. "I'm going to go change my shirt real quick. I'll be right back down I promise." As I said that Avery gave me a nervous look. I ran up the stairs and into my room to change. "You can come in and sit down." I heard Harry say from downstairs. I decided I couldn't tell him why she was here so I texted him instead.


To: Hazza

We just met her. Stop flirting.


I could tell Harry got the text because he said to Avery "I have to go upstairs I'll be right back." She laughed as he said that and anger built up inside me. I'm pretty sure I like her but I only met her I want to get to know her now. "Was that text really necessary?" Harry asked while walking into my room. "Yes it was. You can't like her." He came over and started poking at my cheek. "You got a little crush." I swatted his hand away and said "I think I do but I want to get to know her first." He nodded and started walking out of the room but before he was fully out of my room he said "I'll back off. She's all yours." I started to blush and had the biggest smile on my face. "Where's Zayn?" Niall asked asked Harry as he got to the bottom of the stairs. I came out not even a second after that question "I'm right here. What do you need?" He smiled at me "That's quite a girlfriend you got there." He wasn't joking. He had no idea that we were just friends. "We are only friends. I just met her." I reassured him. "Oh it just seemed like you two were a thing because when we asked her about you-" I didn't even let him finish "What did she say?" I rushed him to get the answer out of him. "She said that she liked you but she thinks your going to forget about her tomorrow." My jaw dropped as he said that and I walked into the living room. "Hey Avery." I said taking a seat down next to her. "Hey Zayn we were just talking about you." As she said that I got butterflies in my stomach.

{Avery's POV}

"Hey Avery." Zayn said walking into the living room and taking a seat next to me. "Hey Zayn we were just talking about you." Wow am I that stupid? I can't believe I just said that to him. Although I bet Niall told him. I started to blush and I didn't want the guys to notice so I put my head down. "Avery can you come here for a minute?" Liam asked me from the kitchen. I hesitated but then got up and walked over to him. "What's up?" I asked a little bit confused but nervous at the same time. "Can you please just tell Zayn you like him already." I gave him a look like he was crazy. These boys are just like each other. "That's a crazy idea. Plus I just met him and like I said before he's not even going to know who I am tomorrow." He looked down in disbelief then grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the living room. "Who wants to play truth or dare?" Liam asked while we entered the room. All the boys agreed then sat down in a circle. I sat next to Zayn and Liam. I know I just met these guys but I feel like they have been my best friends for a long time. "Who wants to start off?" Louis asked. "I will." Liam gave me a devious look after he said that. "Zayn truth or dare?" I gave him a nasty glare before Zayn picked "Truth." I got nervous before Liam asked the question. "Is it true that you will forget Avery by tomorrow?" Are you kidding? Out of all questions why that one? Now the only thing I'm scared of is the answer. "No it's not true. I think me and Avery could become really good friends." I started to blush as Zayn said that and Liam shot a wink in my direction. As much as I loved that answer I'm still in shock Liam asked that question. I had to put my head down again because I started to blush. I guess it was a little late thought because Harry yelled "Awe she's blushing!" Then he started poking my cheek. "Leave her alone." Zayn snapped pushing Harry's hand away from my face. "Zayn it's your turn." Louis said with a smile. "Okay um..." He trailed off then continued "Avery truth or dare." I had the hardest time picking. "Uhh...Dare." Now I'm scared. I hope it's not bad. "I dare you to...."

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