Iduna gives her a scared look. "Really?"

"No joke. You've got a Google profile, a Wikipedia page, fan accounts. The world is putting together your identity." MJ states, getting up from her seat and kneeling beside Iduna. She shows the heiress a multitude of different things, all relating to her. MJ gives Iduna her phone and lets her explore all that's been dug up about her life.

"As for you, we can prove you're Spider-Man with a stunt actor or something. The world finds it hard to believe that you could be Spider-Man. There's more evidence to say you're not the spider guy; you're okay." Shuri explains to Peter, who relaxes like the weight has been lifted off his shoulders. "Give it a few days, and a proper case will be put forward, alright?"

"I just gotta play dumb for now? Cool. I can do that... but what about Iduna? What's going to happen with her?"

MJ and Shuri share a worried look. Together they linked their phones to the jet's holographic display. Within the two-hour flight, they'd discovered that some Midgardians had hacked multiple governmental systems and administrative offices that were linked to Iduna.

Images and videos of her in Scotland, fighting Wanda Maximoff and Vision were public. They showed her performing ruthless things, working alongside the Black Order. Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive were linked to Morrigan by books and drawings found in archives that were locked up until now. The world was starting to discover all Morrigan hidden activities on this planet.

Images of her fighting in Wakanda were released from the government, showing her performing violent, destructive acts.

High-definition stills were created of her face. Commenters were saying how they'd seen her across Europe. Interviews with professionals claim that with the analysis of her fighting in Scotland and Wakanda are the same person under the Night Devil mask.

Then there was the final fight against Thanos eight months ago. There were several recordings from different perspectives of the fight. They captured her in her transformed self.

There were no photos of her and Peter together, apart from fighting the fake Elementals in their suits.

"Fake images are coming out of you fighting against Beck and Peter. Every minute the media is showing society that you were the bad guy." MJ says quietly as Iduna stands defeated.

"Everyone is going to. I'm the bad guy." She whispers hoarsely. Her head began to hurt slightly. "All I did was save everyone from the bad guy. Your media will make a story about how I manipulated Peter into helping me destroy this world for... I don't know what for because this wasn't me."

"We know," Shuri says comfortingly. "Listen, once we get to the Starks, everyone will come together to help and...."

"It's like this was planned. It was either Beck's idea or someone else's... to lie to the world about me." Iduna started to shuffle through the hologram, pointing out all the blatant red lines between her family, the Universe and herself. "No one will believe the truth now. This world will never accept those like me. And if they do, it'll be to exploit me like they've done to everyone else." She meets their eyes. They knew who she was talking about.

On the near horizon, they could see the Stark house with a jet and car parked outside. As the plane nears the house, multiple figures rush out from the place.

Shuri lands the jet safely. When the ramp opens, Aunt May rushes to the bottom of the ramp as hugs them both. MJ and Shuri stay within the plane.

"Where's my mom?" Iduna asks hopefully. May shakes her head. Looking behind her guardian, Morrigan stands just behind her without Omisha by her side. May whisks Peter to the side. All eyes were on the two gods.

Her grandmother was dressed in a loose silk jumpsuit with ruffled hair. She wasted no time in coming to Midgard. "She's what you would say off-world." It killed her to see the young girl's heart crumble a bit more. Before anyone else could see Iduna's expression succumb to sadness, Morrigan wraps her arms around the child.

In some other situation, the Queen would say she told Iduna so. "They know who we are." Iduna muffles as she looks up at her Queen. "Shuri had to fly us out of the city. The Midgardian guards were coming for us."

Morrigan pushes a strand of hair out her face. "I know. We will figure this out, okay? I've got you, little one. Anywhere, anytime." She places a gentle kiss on her granddaughter's forehead and turns to face everyone else. "This is all new and shocking to everyone involved. For now, I'm going to take Iduna home. Let me know when James gets back to you."

Happy nods curtly as Morrigan nudges Iduna forward to say goodbye. The girls in the jet meet the grass to bid the heiress goodbye. Iduna brings them into one hug. "Thank you for saving our assess back there."

Shuri sends MJ a bold look. "Anywhere."

"Anytime." MJ finishes the saying.

Happy and May both greet Iduna with a sad smile. She promises to one day return. Pepper and Morgan had solemn looks on their faces. "Next time, I'll just stay here with you two."

Pepper smiles. "Next time."

The last person to say goodbye to her partner in crime. Morrigan was waiting by the Valyriate jet ramp. "I'm so sorry this has happened. I know how much you liked being a Midgardian."

Iduna shrugs and stands before Peter. "It's okay. None of this is our fault."

"You'll be back, right?" He asked fervently.

Iduna casts a shadow of doubt over the onlookers and then back to him. "I don't know. You saw what this world has made me out to be; a bad guy."

"Hey... anyone who knows you know that you are not a bad guy." He reaches for her hands. "We are a couple of normal teens, you know."

Iduna's cheeks flush slightly. "I know, but... I've never seen myself portrayed that way, and... what I'm capable, well was capable of, was terrifying. This world has the right to fear me. Those videos scared me. Even in the European videos, I fight like death itself. It just makes me wonder what else I am capable of. If I was ever to be taken by the wrong people, who knows what they'd make me do... I think it would be best if Midgard and I parted for a while."

Somehow this felt like a rejection. All of what has happened has this moment where Iduna realised that her presence in his life would only cause destruction and fear. She couldn't burden him like this. And he knew.

Unaware of it again, the two teens held hands tightly. "How long is a while?" His brown eyes shimmered a bit.

She squeezed his hands. "A long time." Peter breathed in quickly. "Well, you know I got your back, right?"

"I got yours." He smirked.

Iduna flashed a royal smile. "Anywhere. Anytime."

what's up guys 

this was the last chapter of normal teens

im going to finish killer to set up for the eternals , the multiverse, hawkeye, ms marvel and the ten rings

iduna and peter are so cute and a part of me is kind of like , hmm platonic soulmates ??

anyway , apart from this , an original marvel au about iduna is coming soon !!

its gonna be about her origin and where she's headed next in the mcu . links mainly to multiverse 

stay tuned and stay safe : )

normal teens  p . parkerWhere stories live. Discover now