Chapter 2: I remember you

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"WHAT" Naruto shouted. He looks at where the Hokage was looking at.


Violet POV

Naruto's eyes widened when he sees blood on my hands. I started to close my eyes. I was bleeding heavily. The Hokage noticed I was losing a lot of blood.

"She needs medical attention", he says urgently.

He picks me up bridle style and takes me to the hospital. I felt Naruto and the other ninjas following us. Blood was over flowing in my mouth, as I my vision started to blur.

"Hang in there sweet heart," Grandpa said to me.

I nodded my head at him. We made it to the hospital. A young nurse probably in her early twenties turned around and saw the Hokage. "How can I help you Hokage-sama?" the nurse asked. "My granddaughter needs Medical attention", he said. The nurse fully turned and spotted me; she gasped and called for other nurses to help me. I felt my eyelids heavy. No I can't fall asleep. 'Milady', Kuro whispers softly, 'It's okay to sleep'. I sigh. 'I can't Kuro', I said. 'Yes you can', he tells me 'I will control your dreams'. Yes Kuro can control my dreams but it takes a lot of chakra and I don't ever use it. 'Please Milady', he pleads, 'You need it'. I sigh. 'Fine'. As soon as I said that darkness consumed me.

Hokage's POV

I paced back and forward as I wait outside the door. It has been about an hour and the haven't said anything about my granddaughter. "What's taking them so long", Naruto yelled frustrated. I sighed. I'm starting to get frustrated too. I just hope she's okay. I just got her back. About 2 minutes the door opens, the doctor comes out and looks at me. He bows to me. "Lord Hokage", the doctor said. I nod.

"How is she?", I asked him.

"She's fine", he says. "But she has loss a lot of blood, so she just needs to get some rest and she will be okay". I sigh in relief.

"I will like to see her", I asked the doctor. He nodded. I walk towards the door.

Opening the door, I saw Violet sleeping quietly on the bed, underneath her covers. I walked into the room and took a chair, moving it, as quietly as I could without making any noise, next to Violet's hospital bed

Sitting down I took her hand that layer palm over the covers. The one that wasn't hooked up to an I.V, and held it softly in my hands. I see Naruto holding her other hand very carefully. I smile softly at him. I wonder how Naruto meet Violet. I smiled at him. "Naruto why don't you go home and rest".

He was about to protest but I just cut him off. "Don't worry Naruto", I told him, " If she wakes up, I will inform you immediately".

Naruto sighs. "Okay, Old man". He leans forward and kisses her forehead. He turns around and leaves.

"Hokage-sama", Asuma says. "What's going on".

I sigh. As I look at my granddaughter's face, so they haven't recognize her. Hmmm. I have to tell them, I turn around to look at Asuma, Kakashi, Kurenai, Gai and Ibiki. "Well this is Violet", I started to say, "My granddaughter".

They all gasp at what I said and turn to look at Violet. Their eyes widened with disbelief. "I-I c-can't believe this", Kakashi stutters. Ibiki's eyes widened. "I can't believe I hurt her", Ibiki said with clenched teeth.

"Ibiki don't strain yourself", I tell him. "You didn't know it was her". He nods but I could see guilt in his eyes. I felt Violet stirred and she slowly started to open her eyes.

Violet POV

I groaned as I slowly open my eyes. I immediately close them but, I groggily open my eyes only to be blinded by white lights. I look around and I notice I was in the hospital. "Violet", I heard a grandfatherly voice. I look towards the chair next to me and I saw my grandfather.

I smiled at him. "I remember you". His eyes widened, as he holds my hand tight. "You do", he asks. I nodded my head at him. He smiled. "Your my grandfather", I said. The next thing I knew there were two arms wrapped around me giving me a hug. I wrap my arms around him and hug him back. Then he pulled back.

"I missed you so much", he says to me.

"Me too", I said quietly. "Sorry Grandpa, that I didn't recognize you", I whisper softly to him. I took my hand away from his as he shakes his head.

"It's alright dear", he said. "I'm just glad that you remembered", Grandpa says. I smiled. "Me too".

"Violet!", I heard a unison of voices say. I turned around to see five people there. I looked at them in surprise. "Hey", I said with an eye closed smile. I felt a pair of arms around me, they were comfortable. I knew who it was, I hugged him back tightly. As we pulled back, he looks at me with happiness in his eyes.

"Uncle Asuma", I said to him happily. He beams when I called him 'Uncle'.

"You remember me", he said with tears in his eyes. I look at him confused, how did he knew I couldn't remember.

"How do you know?", I whispered.

"When you didn't recognize the Hokage", he said. My eyes widened. "Oh", I said. Uncle Asuma hugs me back.

"Come on Asuma", a voice said. "Do you plan on keeping her to yourself".

I could tell Uncle Asuma didn't want to let go by the way his body tensed up and his arms tighten around me. Regardless, he sighs and releases me. I turn around and jump straight into the open arms making sure I didn't squish Kuro. This is all new to me and Kuro. I never felt this happy in my life.

"Kashi", I mumble softly. I felt him tighten his grip around me. When I was little I always called him Kashi and he didn't mind. But when other people call him that he would get angry.

"Violet", Kashi whispers softly. "I'm glad your okay". But I knew he meant that he was glad I was alive. As we pull back I was instantly crushed by someone else.

"Oh the youth!!!!", A green blob shouted giving me a bear hug. He was even squishing Kuro. I was about to say something but I was cut off by Kakashi.

"Guy she can't breathe and your hurting her", Kakashi said. Guy immediately let's go off me. He knelt in front of me with a worried look. "Did I hurt you? Are you in pain anywhere? Do you want me to-" I placed my hand over his mouth and sighed deeply. "I'm fine", I tell him. He nods and I took my hand away from his mouth. He gets up and flashes me a thumps up. I chuckled at him.

I turn around to look at Ibiki. "Ibiki-San" I said. He looks at me with guilt and worried eyes. He might think I would yell at him for injuring me and I would never speak to him again. He was wrong. I look around and I see that we're alone. "Violet", Ibiki says softly. "I'm sorry that I-", But I cut him off. "Ibiki don't", I tell him sternly. "Don't apologize to me". He looks at me with wide eyes. "But I-", he started to say. "No", I tell him. "Its not your fault that I'm hurt. You didn't know it was me so don't beat up yourself over this okay". He sighs deeply and nodded. He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me hugging me. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. "I missed you so much", Ibiki mumbles softly into my ear. "Me too", I whispered. I pulled back and I saw some tears streaming down his face. Who would thought that big bad Ibiki cries. I chuckled in my mind. But he only shows his emotions with me and I'm glad. I whipped his tears. I smiled at him as my eyes are starting to get droopy. Hmmm.... I must have lost a lot of blood.

"Violet", Ibiki whispers to me.

"hmmm", I mumbled to tired to speak.

"Get some sleep", Ibiki said. I shook my head. 'Milady get some sleep' Kuro said. 'No', I whisper. 'Yes you need it' he said. 'I will control your dreams', he said. I sighed but I nodded.

"You need some sleep", he said sternly. I look at Ibiki and I nodded. "Ok", I whisper.

I started to doze off and I felt Ibiki kiss my forehead. "Good night", he whispered softly. "My little princess". I smiled and fell into a dreamless sleep. Or so I thought.

Hey everyone Thanks for reading my book... Please vote or comment and I will write more. I hope you guys enjoyed it =)

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