"I'm here," he said, and Euphemia startled slightly. "What is it?"

It was clear from his tone that Regulus really didn't want her here much either. While he was grateful for Anneliese bringing him to Potter Manor, he still wasn't very comfortable with anyone who lived there.

He was just morally obliged to let her stay because she was the one paying for the room.

Euphemia saw this in his expression, and straightened her shoulders. This was her first visit to him, and she didn't plan on staying any longer than necessary to make sure he was okay for the boy's own comfort.

"I've come to make sure that you're healed," she said, and Regulus's expression hardened. "I know that you're very good at disguising injuries, Regulus. Sirius was too when he first arrived, still is. But just as I did for him, that's not happening on my watch."

Black's eyebrows furrowed, waiting for her to go further. He didn't plan on just breaking down in front of her and telling her everything that was wrong in an instant.

"The bruises on your arms," Euphemia said as she scanned his torso covered in just a tank top that he had worn under his ball clothes, pulling a small jar from her pocket. "May I?"

Regulus's eyes flitted to the windows and door. This didn't seem like a trick.

Silently, he sat down on the edge of the bed. Gratitude flooded Euphemia. Even though she knew this boy didn't fully trust her yet, it was a step in the right direction.

She gently took one of his wrists and held up his arm so that she could dab the bright purple paste on more easily, not even flinching as she saw his Dark Mark. Euphemia knew he didn't want it anymore either, so she pushed it aside.

Regulus stiffened at her touch, and then winced as the cream burned white hot for a moment. But a split second later when she wiped it off, the bruise had faded.

"Are there any more?" Euphemia asked after doing his arms, and Regulus nodded. "Show me."

Black took off his shirt, and Mia's heart broke.

It took the better part of an hour for her to perform the whole process of the spell and application on all of the bruises, and neither one of them said a word until she was as satisfied as she could be.

"I know you may not want to come to our house," Euphemia said softly as she tucked the jar back into her pocket. "But you are always welcome to it. Take care, love."

Regulus simply nodded, and she shut the door behind her.

Black tugged back on his shirt and locked the door, going back into his tiny bathroom to more carefully examine the healed spots. He traced his fingers over the paler skin, the patches still yellow, wondering what to do now.

He was exhausted, and the bed was calling to him to get some much needed rest. Regulus stepped out of the doorway with an enormous, stretching yawn, only to find that his room was no longer empty.

His wand was pointed at Dumbledore faster than he even had time to startle.

Infuriatingly, the old man remained calm.

"I sense that you have had a change of heart, Regulus," Dumbledore said, looking at his Dark Mark and patting the room on the bed by him.

Regulus didn't lower his wand.

"Please, have a seat."

December 29, 1977
6:34 am
The Burrow

"Did you really think I would be fooled by a memory charm?"

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