Breakfast in Bed

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Feyre groaned, her head hurt and she was exhausted. But she scrubbed her bleary eyes and picked up the pen again.

It was far into the night when she heard a thump of the balcony outside and the footsteps that could only belong to one person.

Rhysand walked in, but stopped when he saw her at the desk, scenting her exhaustion.

He walked over to her and lifted her carefully, and she nuzzled into his arms, content and yawning.

"I'm glad you're back." Feyre mumbled, head still tucked into his chest.

She yawned again and Rhys smiled. "You look tired." he brushed back her hair and pressed a kiss to her brow.

"I've just been busy trying to get all of the stuff done in the past three days. I wanted to surprise you." she replied.

"When was the last time you slept?" he asked with a soft laugh.

"The night before you left." she replied without realizing what she had said.

Rhys choked. "That was- that was three days ago! Feyre, that's not healthy." he walked over to the bed, sitting on top of it and laying back with Feyre still on his chest.

"I just wanted to get all your work done too because you couldn't do it while you were meeting with the Illriyans."

He stroked her hair and Feyre relaxed into him. Her breathing slowed until her eyelids drooped completely and he was sure she was asleep.

When he woke up the next morning, she was still sleeping, and he carefully lifted her off of him and went down to get them breakfast.

When he came back up the stairs with a tray of fresh fruit, breads, and eggs Feyre softly moaned at the smell, now awake.

She saw Rhysand stiffen slightly at the sound and she laughed. "How are you always so horny and dirty minded?"

Rhys grabbed the tray and held it above his head, and even though he was also sitting on the bed, it was out of her reach.

"You have to ask nicely if you want it."

Feyre pouted, huffing. He smirked at her, laughing slightly.

Her lips twitched for a millisecond and then she sat up more, before getting onto her hands and knees and crawling over to where he was sitting on top of the comforter.

She made her eyes wide and innocent, but her voice was different. "Please Rhysand," she bit her lip for good measure and continued, making her voice desperate. "Please" She punctuated this by cupping the front of his pants and his eyes widened, nearly dropping the tray.

She jumped up and snatched it from him while he was distracted.

Upon seeing her with the tray Rhys gave up. "That was unfair and you know it." he complained.

"It's not my fault that you're horny all the time and can't keep it in your pants." Feyre laughed, taking a bite of a roll.

He watched her eat, rolling his eyes occasionally.

Feyre turned to place the tray on a side table and smiled contentedly, but when she turned back, Rhysand was right in front of her.

He placed his hand on her stomach, pushing her down.

"This is payback for being such a tease." he said, eyes darkening.

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