The Battle

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"Deku!" I hear Kachan shout as the window next to my desk shattered. 

I jump out of the way of the presumed villain just missing there claw like fingers.

"Deku are you okay!?" A worried Uraraka shouts from the other side of the room.

"I'll be fine!" I answer, "But where's Azawa sensei!?" 

"He went to fix the printer in the staff room." Iida informs.

I decide as 'Problem child' that I should attempt to fight the villain... so that's what I do.

I charge up my quirk and evade the charging villain. And then proceed to lightly flick their side, sending them flying into the podium at the front of the classroom.

Then they smile...

A triumphant smile...

A horrible smile...

"Have fun choosing!" They boom as they leave through the window.

I feel funny...

There's a loud noise...

It's Azawa...

I can't hold myself...

I fall to my knees only to be caught by someone...

Black dots fill my vision...

I hear screaming...

Oh what a nice smell...

The one who caught me must be holding caramel...

I gonna sleep now...

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