Chapter 1

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Hola mi querida amiga

I have received the letter your mama sent me just today, You'll probably receive this about 3 days as I write this down. I am glad you and your parents had successfully moved to Italia. It's like yesterday you and your mama were running across plaza de la ciudad while screaming your whole name across town old men would laugh at those scenes you make with your mama before. Hah. Remember?.

I have been starting to train horse riding to prove that women can fight against men funny enough they just laugh at me. You should meet Lucio when you come and visit me here at Espana.

De tu amigo. Abel


Ciao, mio Tesoro piu caro

Don't remind me of those imbarazzante scenes me and mama made at Espania. And yes I have received this letter 3 days after we moved, I actually got a job of lifeguarding the kids at sea shore here in Italia.

Uh, no. I don't want to meet any of your silly horses, One sent me flying across your horse shed before, I even got sprained yeh.

Dal tuo amico, Connor.

Hola mi querida amiga

Don't blame Caterina for making you fly, It happened because you "unexpectedly" shouted and the horse got startled. Let's stop this immature fighting. How's Berto? Your parrot?. Wait you became a life guard at such short notice? Maravilloso.

Also I might actually invite you for a dance this summer. Would you like to go?

De tu amigo. Abel

Il mio Tesoro

A dance? What with men???? No way. You won't get me in a dress Abel. Those things are itchy.

Dal tuo amico, Connor.


I frowned at Abel's question. "Me? Dance?" I said as I sat at the sand at the shore reading her letter. "I don't want to wear a dress" I look at the children laughing and running around as the morning turned to afternoon. "HEY KIDDOS NON AVERE FRETTA! POTRESTI CADERE E FARTI UN GRAFFIO" (Don't rush! You could fall and get a scratch!) I said frowning at them.

"Bene!" They all agreed at me then I just scoffed putting the letter at my bag on my boat then went to go and focus at the kids running and playing tag. "questi bambini" I sighed as I watch them.

"Jiulia! A new letter from Abel!" I look at the post man "That came 1 day early" I said with a chuckle "Abel said she expected you to not agree so she sent a letter a day after she sent the last one" I gave a amazed look "Oh dear old Abel" I said with a chuckle "Well I better be going!" The post man said as he ran to send other people their letters "Thank you signor!" I shouted as I open the letter the children looking at me with a smug look as my parrot berto flew on top of my hair with the same smug face "What?" I said chuckling "Is that a letter from your sweetheart?" The kids ask I got flustered at the sudden question "W-whattt? No! Where do you children got that HUH?" I asked laughing, The kids pointed at My parrot Berto "oh you. Of course you." I said rolling my eyes "HA! Big pants" My parrot said I frowned "Aish" I ignored the children and my parrot as I sat down reading the letter with the children behind me.

"Hola. You idioti

I know you'd be saying "no" you wouldn't dance for men so I sent this letter for you. I was hoping for YOU. Being with me for the dance. You small fry"

"Did she just call me small?" I said and then the children laughed in joy I rolled my eyes on them. "So? Should I agree?" I looked at the children and then they all smiled at me then nodding "Yes!" I smiled at them and then stretched my arms up "Alright alright! Line up! We are going to send you home!" I said as they all groaned unsatisfied with me 'tsk. Worth it' .I thought as they all lined up with me trailing behind and berto flying up front. We sang a small song on the way sending them home.

-----after awhile.

"Finally done" I sighed again "Remind me to not have kids" I laughed pointing at Berto as he flew at my shoulder while I make my way to my motor boat resting there "Letter" My parrot pointed out as he pulled out a paper ripping the top of it at the process "Let me sleep first" I said laying down at the wooden chair at the side of my boat putting my hand in top of my red tank top Staring off the blank peaceful sky above as I felt a weight press on my chest where my parrot is now sitting down still having the blank paper at his beak.

I sat up my parrot falling down to sit at my lap putting down the paper on my hands "this is stupid." I mumbled stupid stupid stupid the thoughts repeating on my head maybe a few more times my parrot looking to me. I don't know what he feels but it feels like his telling me I'm the stupid one. I sting hit my chest, nothings supposed to hurt why does it hurt. I took all my confidence to grab the pen from Berto's claws and him willingly giving it "I'm not supposed to feel this, eh?" I said glancing at berto then back at the paper starting to write the words that came in my mind as I go

"Ciao, Tesoro

It would be a pleasure dancing with you. Or At least spending the night with my best friend. Don't expect me to wear a dress.

-Julia Connor w/ Berto"

I squinted my eyes "Its not a very long letter hm?" I hummed at the end But then started to fold it "Berto can u get me a envelope and a stamp?" I asked Berto going along with it I placed the stamp on after I putted the letter in the envelope then handing it to Berto as he flew to the post office away from my sight "Such a good friend" I stood up walking around my boat as its wooden floor creaked and moved with the water as I walk. I will go back home when Berto comes back safe and sound I leaned down to the wooden floor of my boat admiring the sea as it goes I'm still yet at the harbor but nothing can stop the sea's peaceful beauty. It reminded me of her. Her beautiful laugh. How she glows every time she smiles. How peaceful she looks staring at the view around her...."her" I thought I'm not supposed to fall on someone with the same gender at least that's what they taught me growing up . I got so caught up on thinking about it my parrot peeked me at the forehead "Stupida" Berto said as he rested on my head "Oh. Yeh. Sorry" I said grabbing my bag and starting to walk back home with my mama and papa. Waving bye to my boat.

Walking at the tonned streets with kids running around me and elderly people talking to each other. The world is so peaceful you could just relax all the time. "Signora! Julia!!" I heard a little kids voice so I turned around humming "hm?" I look down at the kid "You look awesome signora! You always lok after the other children and you swim fast!" The kid said with a huge smile on his face "Oh haha" I awkwardly scratch the back of my head "You can be just like me too. Hm? You'll be a strong man when you grow up" I said patting his forehead before he went of running towards his mama. I smiled and then continued walking my path home playing with the rocks and pebbles on the way, "Figlia!, Your back!" My mama shouted waving at me I waved back smiling "Oh diomio! Look at you!" My mama said loking at my clothes full of lil bits of sand and half yet to dry from the water "Ahe" I said awkwardly laughing as my mama showed me where my clean clothes are "Grazie mama" I said as I change "Papa ain't at home yet?" I asked her helping her plant some plants at the small garden in front of the house "Yes. He went out fishing with his ragazzi" mama said with a smile "Did Abel sent you a letter? About the dance?" I look at her confuse How does she know? "Berto told me" Mama said chuckling at the end Of course he did "Yeh she actually invited me with her" I glanced at mama then back at the plants worried she might get mad "Ah. So? Girlfriends?" I choked at my own spit "WhAT?" I look at mama full shocked expression across my face I could tell she was holding back her laughter "Hm?" She hummed with a soft chuckle "Maaa" I groaned as a burning feeling creeped on my face till a sudden realization hit me "You aren't mad?" I look at her She looked at me back ruffling my hair a soft smile planted on her face "Figlia. You are the most precious thing I ever had. And I'll accept you no matter what you prefer. Hm?" My mama hummed cupping my cheeks, I smiled holding back tears "Awh mama" I cooed Rubbing my eyes "Alright now I began to be emotional" I said before me and mama laughed at each other, I am the luckiest.

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