"Really?" she asked. Kennedy gave a small nod and smile, making Valera's grin widen. "I also love you," she laughed, bringing out a bigger smile from the other woman. The words held a lot of weight, that Kennedy could tell. With that said, Kennedy finally stood and stretched a little as she did. Valera watched her with a slight pout.

"You're leaving already?" Valera asked. Kennedy hummed, smiling a little sadly.

"As soon as the directors decide what to do, I won't be around during the times when you're hanging out here. Lucas will always be around if you want someone to gossip to, though," she said. Valera frowned slightly and just nodded, a little upset about this information.

"I'd stay full time if I could, but you don't need a bodyguard here. You already got one," Kennedy said, motioning towards Heisenberg. Said man gave a bit of a triumphant smile before giving Kennedy a small wave. 

"I'll see you two later, hopefully with good news," Kennedy said, strolling over to the door before pausing. "I love you, Val. Work on getting better, alright?" Kennedy muttered. Valera grinned mainly at Heisenberg before answering. 

"I will. I'll see you later, Kennedy," Valera answered. Kennedy gave a wave over her shoulder before exiting the room, leaving just Valera and Heisenberg. Valera sighed quietly and looked up at the man she really did love. 

"Never do that again," he said suddenly. Valera gave him a bit of a confused expression. "You know, the using the megamycete until you almost die, that was stupid. What was I supposed to do if you died?" he asked. Valera's confusion morphed into a mischievous grin.

"Aw, you were worried!" she teased. Heisenberg rolled his eyes, glancing away as he did.

"Yeah, I was worried! My worst nightmare came true, you're just lucky I had the soldats on standby," he stated. Valera chuckled quietly and squeezed his hand. 

"Yeah, thanks for that, I guess," she whispered. Heisenberg gave her a mock angry expression.

"You guess?"

* * *

It didn't take long for Valera's body to recover, perks of being connected to the megamycete, she guessed. Heisenberg was back to constantly making her breakfast, despite her protests. She'd been able to walk again after just a few days, though Heisenberg would insist on her staying in bed most days. 

Damon and Heiko were more than happy with the amount of attention they were given every day, since Valera never left the same room most of the time. The dogs had figured out that if they climbed up on the bed with her, they would gets pets galore. They deserved them either way. 

"You almost ready to go?" Heisenberg asked. Valera was quick to finish buttoning her shirt. She turned around and gave him an exasperated expression. He smiled at her and began to approach, wrapping his arms around her when he was close enough. He carefully pressed their foreheads together, making Valera give a pleasant sigh. 

"There's a lot of thing I want to show you, so hurry up," he teased. He delivered her a peck on the lips before moving away once more. Valera rolled her eyes and rolled up the shirt sleeves, knowing it was too hot to have the sleeves rolled down. 

When she finally left the room, fully dressed, Heisenberg offered her his hand, which she gladly took. Valera leaned over and gave his cheek a gentle kiss before letting herself be led from the factory. The first big thing she noticed was the fence around the factory was gone. Completely gone. The second thing Valera noticed was that there were people on the bridge. Some looked up as the pair came out from the factory, and some waved as they approached. 

+Don't Make Me Regret This++Karl Heisenberg+ Where stories live. Discover now