"Right now I decided if i was going to speak to you or not, dont speak was heads while speak was tails and tails is what it landed on farewell" I said

"Why dont you choose for yourself, what do you want to do?" He asked

"It doesn't matter, nothing matters to me so I can't decide for myself" Kanao said

Kamado looked in my direction sensing sadness.

"I dont think theres anything in this world that doesn't matter, take your sister for example. I guess the voice in your heart is just really tiny" Kamado spoke

I wasnt even upset about that

"Hmmm following orders is important to an extent but....hmph, hey can I borrow that?" Kamado asked. "Sure" I said as I handed him the coin


Dont loose or steal it please.

Kamado ran in front of us and directed his attention to Kanao-Nee

"We'll use this to decide!"

"Decide?" She asked

"Whether you'll listen...to your own heart! From this point on.....WOAH- I FLIPPED IT WAY TO HIGH- Heads! Let's make it heads! If it comes up as heads then your going to follow your heart! " Kamado stumbled while catching it as I let out a sigh of relief as it was back safely in his palm

"You see that Y/n-San!? I got it!" He said redirecting his attention on me before putting it back on my twin.

He probably sensed my worry, he'll be hard to lie around.

He ran over to Kanao and asked. "Are you ready?"


"It came up as heads!" Kamado-San said jumping in the air

I lightly smiled like always.

"Here you go" he said handing the coin back to me before grabbing mine and Kanao's hands "Remember it's the heart that drives people! So it can grow as strong as you need it to." He informed before Kanao spoke

"How? How did it come up as heads?!"

"By Chance, allthough if it were tails, I would keep tossing it until it came up as heads"

Kanao looked at me before smiling, a genuine gentle smile, before nodding and walking inside, still in a bit of shock.

Kamado then looked in my direction

"What about you?" He asked

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked holding the coin to my heart with a smile.

"I can sense guilt always radiating off of you, yet you act just like Kanao-San, why do you use the coin?" I sighed before flipping it, he scrunched up his eyebrows.


"Because if I were to follow my heart, then theres a huge chance things will go wrong. My opinions are irrelevant anyway, orders are the best way to go and without them the coin is my personal guidance along with Nee-Chan" I looked at him. "Thank you for helping her" I said before standing up, he followed my actions but before I could make a move to leave he grabbed my shoulders.

"Please Follow your heart! Were all Human and everyone makes big and small mistakes! That doesn't make your opinion irrelevant!" He said putting his hands over mine again

Suddenly a wave of worry crashed over me to the point Kamado almost stopped breathing

He pulled me into a hug before letting go.

"I have to go now, but please, do what your heart tells you, wallowing in fear wont help you! Happiness will!" He said smiling before waving me off


When was the last time I was happy?

When was the last time I was happy?

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Born in the Wrong Place🌱 Aot x Fem Reader x KnyWhere stories live. Discover now