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Pic from: Bustle.com and man, wish they were real TvT

They're twins and as far as twin's relationships go they actually have a pretty good one. You know, like not trying to kill each other and hate on each other and stuff like that. What belonged to one of them belonged to the other one as well. And well, you belonged to BOTH of them. They were willing to share you

You tried to steer clear from them at first since you've heard all about their pranks and antics and you had no intention of becoming a guinea pig for one of their products. But one day, you accidentally ate one of their toffee's from their Skiving Snackboxes and the next thing you knew, your eyes started becoming watery and you started feeling dizzy. Hermione brought you to the Hospital wing and later on chewed them out for their antics once again. Usually whenever she'd say something to them it would just enter a ear and go out the other but this time, they genuinely felt bad

They decided to make an antidote for you and stayed up all night working on it. The next day after they met you they handed you a vial with some greenish yellow liquid that smelled kind of nasty but they assured you it would get the job done and you'd be feeling all right in no time. You just sighed and drank it, and within moments you felt better. They high fived each other and you guys actually became really good friends. You didn't take part in too many of their pranks, only some of them but whenever you did take part in one of their pranks they'd be all excited and happy

They'd ask you for your help in testing out some of their products just so you know, they might actually be safe for people who consume them and whenever you helped them, Merlin's beard, they really loved you for it. They wouldn't ask you to consume products that still needs testing since they don't want to risk your life so they'll do it on themselves. And whenever you stay around to make sure they're all right and doing well, their hearts skip a beat and they get warm feelings in their tummy

They didn't really like it whenever you paid attention to other people and the fact that you were actually friends with Malfoy literally pissed them off. These twins are HELLA Possessive and obsessive. And we all know, once they're determined to do something they'll not stop till they get the desired result. Whenever someone would try approaching you to ask you out, they'd end up regretting it later on. They tried to distance Malfoy from you and whenever they tried pulling pranks on him that could actually injure him, you put your foot down and told them not to. Now they were starting to get mad, why in the name of Merlin were you even friends with that git? Weren't they enough for you?

You noticed their possessive behavior towards you after a while and to be honest, it actually scared you. You tried ignoring them, bad idea. They made a plan to get you to be theirs no matter what. So one day they handed you a Chocolate Frog and after you ate it, you started feeling sleepy and within less than a second, you were knocked out like a light. Fred's strong arms caught you just in time when you were about to fall. You were now trapped between them, the very people you once called your friends

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