Crossing Boundaries

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Steve got up and followed Tony, putting an arm around him to help him walk steadily. "You really mean that, Tony? I do need a place to stay.." Steve blushed softly without realizing, still helping Tony walk steadily down the sidewalk.

Tony started to laugh and patted Steve's back. "Sure! I have a level designed for everyone! But no one wants to stay." He said shrugging and started to dance a little while he walked. "If you happy and you know it, clap your hands." He sung and did exactly that.

Steve laughed a little, not clapping his hands, but watching Tony. "Sounds good, Tony. I'd love to stay with you." He watched Tony, smiling the whole time, blushing.

Tony looked up at Steve and then started to laugh. "You're blushing! Suits you." He said and laughed more. "Jesus, imagine if I'd be a women I'd definitely would want that you'd kiss me now." He spoke slurring while he laughed more. He was just happy, of course because of the alcohol but still. He wanted to be happy too and this was just the easiest and fastest way.

Steve turned a deeper red, embarrassed that he was blushing and blushing at the kissing comment at the same time. "Let's get you home, Tony." He changed the subject quickly.

Tony shrugged but still laughed happily. Once they reached the tower Tony acted sober again, he had strict parents so no matter how much he had drunk he could always act sober.

Tony lead Steve into the elevator and pressed the 79th floor button. "Home sweet home." He said once they reached it. "C'mon I'll show you around." He said and made a gesture with his arm.

Steve smiled and got off the elevator. "it's a beautiful place, Tony." He looked around, amazed at how far interior design had come in the past 70 years.

Tony shrugged and just walked around. "Here's the kitchen, oven and fridge. There is the guest bathroom." He said walking around to show him every thing. "This room is empty, you can put everything you want here in it, office, atelier. Whatever." He said walking through the big living room to the masters bedroom. "And here's your bedroom. This door leads to the bathroom and this door to a Walk-in closet." He spoke pointing at the two doors before he laid down on Steve's bed. His head was turning but damn it this felt so good.

Steve looked around, following Tony. "Wow, this is a nice bedroom." He chuckled, it was way bigger than any bedroom he'd had before. He was excited to have a roommate, especially having a friend as a roommate. "Thank you, Tony. This is all very nice." He sat on the edge of the bed.

Tony just gave a thumbs up before he moved over to Steve and got behind him, massaging his shoulders. "You know, normally I'd call an escort service now. Telling them that I have too much pressure that needs to go. But I don't need this, do it?" Tony asked with a smirk while he had whispered this in Steve's ear. If Tony would be sober he'd be sure that Steve smelled Tony's alcohol but right now? He didn't care.

Steve blushed and groaned, the massage relaxing him. He had a lot of pent up stress himself. Steve didn't think too hard before answering. "Oh... No you don't." he leaned his head back, relaxed.

"Great." Tony smirked still massaging him while his head got closer to Steve, kissing his neck here and there before he found a spot he liked. He licked on it before he bite it, sucking on it till he was sure that a purple circle would stay.

Steve blushed profusely, processing what was happening. As soon as Tony found his sweet spot he let out a soft moan and stopped thinking about what was happening, just enjoying it.

Tony grinned and pulled a little on Steve's shirt. "You're wearing too much. Seriously." He grinned and changed his position to sit down on Steve's lap. "You ever done things like that, Captain?" Tony asked undressing Steve's shirt before he started to stroke his chest.

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