Paintball Deer Hunter

Start from the beginning

"and using orange paint are the gopher hunters, leshawna, Beth, Owen and lindsay," he passed them their guns,

"wooohoo, this is awesome!" Owen exclaims, "you also get these stylin glasses and wicked camo caps,
The rest of you are deers," he points to the ones without guns,

Juming down I sigh catching the gun, "here are your antlers, noses and little tails," he chuckles,

"yeah, right, I'm not wearing that," Heather folds her arms, "there is no why, I'm a deer" Duncan says,

Chris put the deer stuff on him, "take theses off and your team is toast," he smirked and Duncan frowned,

"aww, look how cute you looked," teasing I chuckled but feel something being placed on my head, looking up I saw chris put the hunter supplies on me,

Owen chuckled walking up to us, "what are you looking at?" Duncan asks,

"oh, nothing, babi," he says teasingly, "you'd better be a good shot, tubby," Duncan treated, I hit his nose "bad," scolding I shake my head,

He wrapped an around around me smirking, "how about I show you just how bad I am," growling he pulled me into his chest, "how about I shoot you?" asking I raise the gun smirking,

He hummed letting go, "fair enough," he mumbled as the game began, the deers got a head start,

"are you good at this?" Bridge asks me walking up, I look to her shrugging "probably, I've never played paint ball,

We went over plans before settling," and break, "Bridge, Geoff, Harold and I throw our hands up,

The boys put on their glasses," okay, you do realise that this is all just pretend, right? "Harold asks a bummed out bridgette,

" yeah, it's just paint Bridge, "I say smiling softly, I place the glasses over my eyes,

" yeah,... So say if you... Like, hit... Heather, "Harold begins and me and bridgette looked to him,

" wait!"we begin," Heather's a deer? "Bridge asks and chuckled putting on her glasses,

I join her quickly and load up my gun," START YOUR PAINT BALLS! "Chris exclaims," GAME ON! ",

Cracking my knuckles bridge and I headed off, we were looking for the same person,

We were walking for ages," I mean, if we do find her, her voice will be the first thing we hear, "haorld says smirking,

Bridge and I nod in agreement," that or we'll see her big head and ego, "mumbling I looked out in the distance,

" look over there, "I mumbled pointing in her direction, they squat down beside so we didn't get caught,

I look over at the opening seeing Heather sitting, Harold stood with us as we saw Beth stand up to Heather then storm off,

I shot at Heather first smirking, "ow!" Heather cried, "who ever you are! This is so not cool!" she yelled,

Bridgette and Harold shot at her aswel, making her fall off her stump, we laugh high fiving,

"well, I'll catch you guys later, I've a babi to scare," smirking I stroll further into the forest, "have fun," Harold calls, I salute and look around the trees,

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