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It was pretty late and Ranboo just started driving from the car service. He got to his dorm and went to sleep. He was pretty tired after that flight.

Next day...

Ranboo woke up and saw Purpled still sleeping. Because of this fact, he decided to check the time. It was 7:30 am which was a little bit too early for ranboo but he didn't mind. He got up, changed, and went to a little walk and the grocery store. He bought some sandwiches for breakfast and water. He went to an empty parking block that he parked his Miata. He got inside and started to look at the car shops. He needed to find some old car. He can't go everywhere with fucking Miata. It's a racing car. He was searching for some old car that he would like. He came across Skoda Fabia 6.2 silver edition. He liked it and it wasn't used yet. So he bought it with his racing money from America. Then he looked up some bigger garages around his dorms so he can park there both cars. He found some near and bought it too. Then he went to review Fabia and get all the paperwork.

It took him quite some time to get the paperwork only from the car. And now he could get finally the keys, now the only thing he needed is a garage. Suddenly he got a message from techno saying:

T: shell we race tonight? Or do you want tomorrow?

R: tonight is good. I'm bordering anyways. Will you send me the location?

T: of course I will. The coordinates to locations are *** *** **** by midnight be there.

R: Alright. See ya.

T: see ya mate.

Ranboo got off his mobile and started thinking. It was strange for techno acting to him all....friendly. They didn't even get to know each other that much. They indeed knew each other because they were racing in the same location but they weren't so close. Just a fact that when Ranboo reach out to him if he wouldn't help with transport with his Miata he responded yes. It was weird. Why would Techno do that? Everyone in California was saying he is cold to his opponents. Then why he was friendly to Ranboo? Ranboo couldn't get his mind over that, but right now he didn't have time for thinking that. He needed to get that garage to go buy the fastest he could. So he did it. He went to that place and started to do another paperwork. It was annoying. After all the papers he finally parked there both cars. Miata and Skoda Fabia he just bought. He also got some tools so he could check his Miata if everything was all right. After he checked he looked at the watch and saw it was 2:50 pm. It wasn't a bad time and he had nothing to do so he decided to do another paperwork. But now it was for one parking slot that was with his dorms. It was property there and he had to pay for it monthly, but he didn't mind. He thought it would be easier for him to have Fabia there and the garage has for Miata only so when something goes wrong in it he will have room to fix it. He wasn't best at fixing cars but he knows something about that.

Sometime later...

He was done with a parking slot bedside his dorm and he could finally go to his room and lay on his bed. After some couple hours of laying on the bed and looking at his phone, he notices it's already 7:50 pm. So he got up, took a long shower, and changed into his black jeans and his costume black and white hoodie that was like his Miata. On one side was white and on the other was black. Same with the mask he has on his face. He feels a little bit more confident with it on. He went outside dorms to his Fabia and went to his new garage. It wasn't too far from dorms but it was still quite a walk. He parked Fabia, checked his Miata for the last time cuz you can't be always sure enough. Got into it, took his phone, and checked the time and also the location again. It was already 10 PM and the location was quite far from where he was so he decided to not waste any time and drive there. "It's better to be earlier than be a moron and being late." He said while he was getting out from the garage door. The location was far from any town and it was also Field road. 'They don't want cops huh?' He thought for himself and looked at the radio clock. Which was saying 10:55 pm, which was Almost 11:00 pm. And the race is starting at the midnight. This ride took almost a whole hour. But soon he saw an asphalt road which meant he was there. He got there and saw a big platform where was a car of any kind. When techno saw him he automatically showed him where he can park. Ranboo parked on that spot, turned off the engine took car keys, and got out of the car. "Welcome. I hope you are ready." Techno said to him. "Hey Techno..." You could see from miles that Ranboo was a little bit nervous. "Nervous, huh?" Techno laughed and started talking again. "Meet my good friends Phil and Nikki" Techno introduced an older-looking man with really blond, short hair. He had only some black jeans, a green shirt, and on top of that black vegan jacket and the short-haired girl from yesterday that was in that car service. "Hello! Nice to meet you!" Nikki kindly approached him and got her hand in front of him to shake. "Hey nice to meet you too," he said while shaking her hand still shy. "Hey mate, welcome." Phil welcomed him too. Suddenly all they heard was "PHIIIILLLLL!!" From the other side of the big platform. When they all looked in the direction of the scream they saw a bit with blond hair and a white shirt with a red collar. Behind him was a shorter boy with brown hair and a green hoodie, they both looked like Ranboos age. "Great a child is here." Techno sounded Annoyed and sarcastic at the same time. "Phil! Wilbur broke something in his car again and sam is fed up with his bullish*t so you need to fix it." A blond-haired guy said while gasping for his breath. "Well he will need to wait because soon will be race and I want to see new guy racing," Phil said and pointed at ranboo. Both boys looked at him and you could saw in the blond-haired guy how he wanted to race ranboo immediately. "Who are you?" The boy asked ranboo with a coky down tone in his voice. It annoyed ranboo so he simply answered "Ranboo. You?" "I'm Tommy and this is Tubbo." The blond-haired guy said. "Well you net now ranboo will follow me to the starting line since is 11:55 pm." Techno said annoyed and went to his car.

Hello! Here is cherry :))
I hope you liked the first two parts of this book. If there is any mistake or something you would approve you can comment and I gladly read it! I really will appreciate every help with this story. Also sorry if any parts will be too short or too long but I'm still learning how to write a book and I have a lot to improve. Hope you'll understand and still enjoy the book.

Bay and stay safe <3

black-white mask (Un-finished)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant