"Hey, Jess," Bella greeted, wedging the phone between her ear and shoulder. There were more than a few eye rolls when they realized who was calling — specifically from Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper.

"Hey! Mike just picked me up and we're gonna go meet everyone at the diner for lunch. You wanna come? I'll call Val next," Jessica stated.

"Oh, I actually already ate. And I don't think Val can make it either," Bella said. She met Valeria's stare, who was shaking her head back and forth quickly. Bella knew just what that shake meant and an evil smile grew. And Valeria knew just what that smile meant and she made a 'cut it out' motion with her hands while glaring at the human.

"Does she have plans already?" Jessica asked, ever so nosy.

Valeria slammed her hands on the counter and stared down Bella. "Don't you dare!"

Edward smirked, realizing what was going on from Valeria's thoughts. "Do it, Bella. I just wanna see what happens."

"I don't understand," Sam mumbled.

"Yeah," Bella continued, not breaking eye contact with Valeria. "V is just at her house right now. She's pretty busy introducing Sam to the family. As her boyfriend."

Jessica's scream was eardrum-shattering to everyone in the room and their sensitive, supernatural hearing. Bella pulled the phone back with a grin on her face.

"Omigod, omigod, omigod!" They heard Jessica say over and over in a hurried tone. "Mike! They're dating! Oh my god! Bella, hand me to Valeria or I swear to god."

Bella shoved the phone into Valeria's hand who covered the speaker. "Why would you do that to me?"

"Because she's your best friend," Bella said, smirking.

"No, Mike's my best friend."

"Well, now he knows too," she said, brightly. Bella was getting so much amusement out of it all. "I don't know why you're so upset."

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe because I wanted to enjoy my relationship for five fucking seconds before Jess—"

"Language, Valeria!" Esme scolded. "We have a guest."

From the side, all of Valeria's siblings were absolutely dying of laughter from the whole ordeal.

"I hate you, Bella," Valeria muttered. And then as she brought the phone to her ear, her tone shifted into a fake, cheerful one. "Hey, Jess. What's up? How was Stanford?"

"Valeria Cullen," Jessica began in a stern voice. "I have been asking you every day for the past month about Sam. And you always gave me so many reasons. You kept telling me and telling me that no matter how dreamy you found him, that nothing would ever come of it. And yet as soon as I leave town for a week, something happens? I can't believe you! And I had to find out from Bella? Bella!"

"Oh my god," Valeria groaned, putting her head in her hands.

"You think I'm dreamy?" Sam asked, a shit-eating grin on his face.

"IS THAT HIM?" Jessica screeched. "Give him the phone!"

"No!" Valeria shouted back. "I'm hanging up."

"Wait!" Mike called. "How does this affect the turf war?"

"There is no goddamn turf war!" It was silent for a moment after Valeria hung up. She looked at Bella and slid the phone across the counter to her. "Are you pleased?"

"Immensely," Bella said, chuckling. "That's what you get for telling Jessica Stanley details about your personal life."

"I didn't tell her details," Valeria whined. "Tyler took the phone out of my hand."

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