Chapter 1: First Year

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10:48 AM

It barely felt like anything.

There wasn't a force holding them back, the wall was like a veil you could walk straight through. When they opened their eyes, they loosened their grip on their mum's hand, looking on at the new platform. Platform 9 and 3/4.

"See? I told you it wouldn't hurt!" said the pink-haired woman, "Now, let's move before a trolley hits us- THAT would hurt,"

Orion smiled and let their mum lead them towards the train. They had been dreaming of this moment ever since their parents told them about Hogwarts and their own experience at the magical school. As they walked along, Nymphadora Tonks watched as their child's hair brightened its purple hue as they gazed all around the platform. 

Truth was, she wasn't even sure if she and her husband would be able to afford the supplies and textbooks for the school year

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Truth was, she wasn't even sure if she and her husband would be able to afford the supplies and textbooks for the school year. But they made it work. "Remus!"

A tall man with brown hair and an old suit looked over at the two. "Just gave the trunk to an attendant, all you need to do is get on the train, dear," he said. He handed over the large messenger bag to Orion and led them over to a part of the train that seemed to have more empty compartments, Tonks following behind.

Orion watched as families were clumped together, pushing their ways to the front of the train doors. There were a few older students that already had their robes on with a prefect or a head boy/girl pin on them. Other kids even had broomsticks and their own pets with them to take on the train.

The Lupins could see the inside of the train and watch as friends met up with each other and sprinted into compartments. Orion wondered if they would meet a friend that they could do that within a year or so.

They watched as a group of friends chatted until one person went into the compartment had said something that made them all pull a shocked face. Orion saw as the friend group all came together and were now whispering. 

"Starlight, come on," Tonks said.

Orion whipped around and faced their mum, "Sorry, I got distracted," 

Tonks smiled and nudged them forward, "well hopefully I won't get letters from McGonagall saying that,"

"And if we do, we know who they get it from, dear," Remus said, narrowing his eyes at Tonks. The two smiled as they walked up to the front area of the train's doors, after a few more minutes, the train blew its horn.

 The two smiled as they walked up to the front area of the train's doors, after a few more minutes, the train blew its horn

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