All the cobras start making their way towards you as you start begging and pleading for them to back off. And before you know it, they strike, causing you into a world of unimaginable pain. Now you really wished you would have taken Hawk's offer.


After about 5 minutes, they finally finished. You could barely move. They had kicked you, punched you, grabbed your hair, and you definitely felt a couple metal weapons in there as well.

They left the scene, even worse, with your McDonald's. You laid there for a couple more minutes before attempting to pick yourself up. It was brutal, and it probably took you a full 30 seconds before you were able to stand up.

You then limped the rest of the way to your boyfriends house, more determined than ever to get there. Once you saw his house in view, a small smile formed on your tear stained face.

You tried to get there as fast as possible, however you started to feel your legs weakened, but you kept pushing forward, all the way to his front door.

You use whatever strength you have left to knock on his door, cringing on how much it hurt just to knock. You heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Hawk had been a little worried, since you were a little later than what you said you be. Nonetheless, when he heard the knock on his door, his worries washed away, as he knew now that you were here. However what he opened the door to made his heart stop.

You were standing there, with cuts and bruises all over your body. You look to be on the brink of collapse. Your hair was tousled and messed up, and you were crying.

Once you saw him, you started crying harder, more out of relief than pain. You immediately ran into his arms crying heavily. He hugs you back immediately, rubbing your back, trying to soothe you as much as possible. He doesn't speak, still shocked from the sight in front of him, but never lets you go as you cry in pain into his chest.

"They surrounded me Eli. I was completely helpless." You said muffled into his shirt. His arms tightened around you when hearing this. You could feel him shaking in anger as he continued to soothe you.

"Who? Who did this to you?" He asks me in a calm and soft  voice. His voice felt strained however. It was obvious he was holding back on lashing out.

You sniffled. "Cobra Kai" you whispered.

You suddenly felt your legs give out. Luckily, Hawk was able to notice and catch you just in time. He repositions you so that he's carrying you bridal style.

He carries you upstairs towards his room and in his personal bathroom. You could still feel his anger pulsating through him as he carried you up. He sits you down gently on the toilet before leaving to grab medical supplies.

You sit there, trembling. You still haven't calmed down yet. He comes back as fast as he can with some towels, a glass of water and a first aid kit.

"Ok, I'm going to tend to your wounds. Can I take off your sweater?" he asks you gently.

You nod as he begins to unzip your sweater. Once it's completely open, he softly and gently as possible take it off your arms. You cringe a bit.

Once the sweater is completely off, he discards somewhere in the room. "Ok, tell me where it hurts beautiful" he softly speaks to you whilst slowly cupping your face gently with his fingers.

You slowly bring your arm up to gesture where your hurting the most. It was mostly around your ribcage, thighs, and stomach. But you also had a couple scratches and bruises on your arms and legs too. He nods as he starts preparing some damp towels and rubbing alcohol.

Jacob Bertrand ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now