After I didn't reply we just look at each other until I finally break eye contact. His eyes are just too much to take in sometimes, holding eye contact with him is difficult, it's weird. I look at him again, noticing how his usually dark green eyes looking eyes almost look black in the light. And for once Tom didn't look as put together as usual, even if he probably looked a lot better than me at the moment. But I cannot help but notice how tired he looks. I probably look terrible too. 

"Have you gotten any sleep lately? Because you look like you haven't slept in years." I finally break the silence. He just shakes his head, willing to have some small talk with me, even if he doesn't seem very enthusiastic. "Not really. I tried to but it turned out to be impossible" he answers. "How is it this cold here?" he asks then, more to himself. 

I shrug, knowing that he doesn't expect me to answer his questions anyway. But he was so incredibly right because I myself couldn't feel my fingers and my face felt like I had been stuck in an ice cube. Especially my nose felt awfully cold. 

"Can I hold your hand?" Tom asks, completely throwing me off. I forget what I'm thinking, I forget the importance of keeping myself from going insane and I forget pretending that I'm supposed to act  annoyed towards him. 

What the fuck. 

I look at him, the surprise and confusion probably written on my face. 

The only thing I could possibly want is holding his hand, the only thing I want is being close to him. Yes yes yes. I do want to be close to him more than I want anything else. 

"I thought we broke up. Go talk to whatever other girl you have to talk to" I scoff, fighting off all my desires. 

He looks at me for a second, seeming confused. Then his face lights up and he lets out a chuckle. Jesus his smile. 

"You didn't seriously believe that?" he asks looking at me. "Oh my god? You seriously believed it? You thought I could replace you that easily? I thought you were smart enough to know that I don't want any other girl" he has a smile placed on his face, but he looks tired and looks as if his energy is running out. His smile fades. 

"Maybe I didn't really believe it. I'm with you most of the time. I was with you"I talk slowly uncertain of what I am saying. And suddenly I feel that overwhelming urge to sleep again. 

"I'm glad you aren't that stupid. Glad you weren't that stupid to believe that there was someone else. Surely you must have figured out that I had been talking about you. Even if I don't have feelings for you" he mumbles. It isn't too surprising that he is revealing to me that there wasn't another girl, since some of my friends had already told me that he clearly had been talking about me. Just when I opened my mouth to say something about him saying that he doesn't have feelings for me I hold back and sigh. I can't and won't change him. Feelings don't fit him after all. 

"Why do you want to hold my hand Tom? You broke up with me, remember?" I ask finally moving closer to him. 

"In case you are uncomfortable with it. And no, you are basically mine" he adds. 

I exhale annoyed. 

What the fuck. 

"Tom don't be stupid. Do I have something on me that has your initials on it? Does your name stand on me? No. I'm not your possession and you're in no place to claim me as yours" I clarify irritated. Maybe if he had said the entire you are mine  thing in any other situation I would've melted away but right now he catches a timing where I'm tired and annoyed by him. 

Tom's reaction confuses me, because he doesn't have the reaction I expected from him. His lips formed into a faint smile. "Show me your left hand" he demands and I frown. 

What exactly is he thinking of doing now? For a second I consider that he may just pull a knife out and cut my hand off so I hesitate, but then I finally give in and show him my hand. 

"You don't have anything that says my initials on it?" he looks at my ring I'm wearing. It is a beautiful ring. A ring he had given me. The only gift he had ever bothered to give me. But I frown in confusion, because the ring has no such thing as his initials on it. I then look at Tom, who basically motions me to take the ring off. I don't know why, but I decide to do it. I take the ring off and start looking at it closely. I flip it over and look at it from different angles.

And then. There it is. Letters craved in silver into the ring on the inside. 


A smile escaped my lips when i saw it. Shaking my head i put the ring back on. 

„You are literally impossible." i sighed looking at Tom. 

He looked at me and did something unexpected. He moved closer to me and took my hand in his wrapping his other arm around me. 

„Im actually happy to see you." he mumbled resting his chin on my shoulder. 

„I'm actually happy to see you too, idiot." i replied sighing and resting my head on his chest while i was playing with his ring. 

„You know I've thought about something." he said and took a quick break. „You know. Us as immortal people.. what happens when someone tried to like.. cut our heads off? Do we just not loose our head? or do we just keep living but without head? Or does or head like.. fly back to our neck after it got cut off?" 

I smiled listening to his question. 

He was onto something tho 💀.

„We probably just keep living without head?" i replied smiling even tho i felt like it was more a question. He shrugged. 

„Have you ever killed someone like.. without your wand?" i asked then. 

„That would be very violent." he answered. 

„Have you?"

„No. You?" he asked me. 

„No but kinda wanna do it." 

„That's very violent." 

„As if you would care if something is violent or not" i scoffed. 

He laughed. But his laughed seemed dry. „You may think there are no similarities between us Corinne. But there are." 

I shook my head. I didn't want to even think about such a thing. 

„Whatever you say. But you know that im right." he sighed. 

„There are no similarities between us. We are completely different. Maybe that we are good in the same subjects but nothing else. Tom, you can't feel love. You don't care about people. You fake everything. You don't even feel love towards your own family." i replied. 

„Oh really? Then what do you do? Do you care about people? Do you not fake everything? Do you feel love towards your family?" 

„My parents are dead." i answered. Tom smiled at me. It was something about it that bothered me. It wasn't a genuine smile. It was a smile that was trying to tell me that he didn't believe it. I felt like he didn't believe that my parents are dead. 

Tom pressed a kiss on my cheek. 

„I hate you Eagles."

„I hate you too Riddle." 

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