Season 8 Episode 16 'The other side' SEASON FINALE

Start from the beginning

"Where is Roy!?"

"I ain't talking to you." 

"Oh yeah!" Adam pressed his gun into Tim's leg.

"Whoah! What are you doing?" Kevin said.

"Back off Kev!" Adam snapped.

"Take the gun off him, Ruz!" Jay shouted.

"Come on Ruz." Kevin said.

"You wanna get rolled up in Roy's crimes?" Voight asked.

"I don't know what he's done." Tim said.

"He murdered a college kid and the girls he was pimping out. 13,14 and 15 years old. You wanna do time for someone who's selling little girls! Are you really that stupid?" Voight shouted. Adam snapped Tim's body back by his head making the stool Tim sat on stand on it's back two legs, He  pointed the gun up at Tim's chin.

"Woah!" Kevin yelled.

"RUZ"! Jay shouted stepping forward, Emma stepped diagonal to block Jay's path. 

"OKAY!" Tim shouted putting his hands up. "OKAY!" Adam took the gun away and put the stool back on all fours.  "He was here a couple hours ago, asked to borrow my car. It's an old Pontiac, 2005." 

"Was he alone?"

"Yeah." Voight and Adam left without another word leaving everyone else in the kitchen, Jay sighed and watched the two men leave.

"We appreciate that sir." Kevin said clearing his throat. "What color is the Pontiac?" 

"It's silver." The three of them nodded and headed out of the house.


"Yo Ruz!" Kevin yelled catching up to Adam outside of the house.

"Kev, I can't do this right now man." Adam said waving him off.

"Listen man we need to talk because we can't just be running into houses and yelling 'gun,' if there's not a gun in sight." Kevin said.

"Kevin! Please!" Adam snapped. "I don't wanna do this right now."

"We had no clue if Roy was actually in that house, not a clue. So what? Are we just making things up as we go? Is that what we're doing?" Kevin asked as they got to Adam's car.

"You got a better idea or are you just preaching to preach? Come on, let's go man."

"Hey, I'm just trying to help man." Kevin said,

"Help save Kim or help save the world?" 

"You have no right to talk to me like that, not after what just happened in that house." Kevin snapped. "You put a gun, to a man's head." 

"Hey!" Jay shouted pulling up. "Got a hit on the Pontiac." Adam jumped into Jay's passenger seat as they sped off.


The car is sinking into the river, Jay and Adam run in and smash all the windows. No sign of Kim in the car.


"You guys got anything?" Adam asked the lab techs, a few hours later after the car has been pulled out of the river. "Receipts, phones, wallets, anything?" 

"We got a jacket and some shoes." One of the lab techs replied, Emma and Voight started walking up from the platform that lead into the river where the car was dumped.

"Alright, well check under the seats, and in between. Glove compartments, center console. There's gotta be something in there somewhere."  Adam instructed the lab techs. 

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