Chapter 1 | Young Lovers

Start from the beginning

You both reach the end of the hallway.

Sam: "You ready?"
Y/N: "Wait"
Sam: "What?"
Y/N: "i've been kinda a dick about you dragging me down here, I just wanna say sorry you know?"
Sam: "Hey you don't need to apologise, i should've gave you enough notice"
Y/N: *You look down and look back up*
"So are you ready to open this door or what?" *you smile*
Sam: "Hell yeah"

*You both open the door*

Y/N: "Are you kidding?"

*There was a carousel and photo booth across from the mall all lit up*

You smile at Sam in amazement and start walking towards the carousel obviously wanting a turn.

Sam: "So that'll be $2 please"
Y/n: "Oh yeah?"
*You look at him teasingly*
Sam: "Or maybe we can arrange another payment later"
Y/N *You laugh*
"Samuel your such a dick"

*You hop on the carousel and Sam presses the button to jump start the carousel*

Y/N: "No way this is gonna work"
*The carousel starts moving*
Y/N: "No fucking way!!!"
Y/N: " Sam, come on get on with me"
Sam: "I've got a better view down here, go!"
*You laugh*
*A few moments later*
Y/N: "Come on, get on!"
Sam: "Okay fine if you insist"
*The carousel starts to slow down"
Sam: "No no no no come on! I just got on"
Y/N: "So sir that'll be $2 please"
Sam: *looks at you* "I thought we arranged another arrangement later"
Y/N: "Well yeah but.. i didnt give you an answer"
Sam: "Thats... fair"

*You look at the photo booth*

Y/N: "Oh my god no way we have to go in there"
Sam: "You wanna go in.. there?" *He looks confused*
Y/N: "Um yeah! did i stutter?"
Sam: "okay okay fine you win"

Y/N: "Who's gonna look at these anyway"
Sam: "Um me?"

*You both enter it*

Y/N: "Right so how does this work?"
Sam: "Maybe 'start' would be my best guess"
Y/N: "Right i totally knew that"
*Sam rolls his eyes*
Y/N: " Lets do aaaaaa Funny face!"
*Takes pic*
Sam: "Oh my god"
Y/N: "Now a squishy face!"
*Takes pic*
Sam: "Hey look a Dinosaur!"
Y/N: "Oh noooo"
*Takes pic*
Y/N: "Now let's be all sexy, Ooooo so sexy"
*Takes pic*
Sam: "Oh there all done"  *He says sarcastically*
Y/N: "Oh woah these look pretty good"
Sam: "So how do we get them?"
Y/N:  "Well the 'print 'option will be my best guess" *You look at Sam*
Sam: *Presses print*


Y/N: "Oh come on fuck you!"
Sam: "Try again"
Y/N: "Okay"

Y/N starts to press the button many times and same message keeps coming up

Y/n: *Hits the screen*
Sam: *Hits the screen*

*The booth switches off"

Sam: "I think we broke it"
Y/N: *laughs* "I  think we did to"


Y/n: "Sooooooo"
Sam: "Sooo?"
*You both smirk*
Sam: "Wanna keep exploring?"
Y/N: "Hell yeah"

As you both get up and walk out of the photo booth you both decide to walk up the escalator, you both walk past this halloween store which catches your eye. Sam notices this and goes in first, he unlocks the door from the other side as you lift him over.

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