
I have a brilliant but very horrific and disturbing idea...

What if... What if I use the corpse as a way to pay Rumia, or any youkai really, I encounter to convince them not to eat me but to eat the corpse instead?


Hold on, that aint right.


But I like the thinking behind it! She is dead anyways! However, she can still be of use to save a life! I truly am crazy to think that, but I do not care anymore! Kill or be killed! Eat or be eaten!! That's what it's all about here, no!? Hahaha...HahAhAHa...HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!


Agh! Snap out of it! What the hell is wrong with me!?

Alright, alright... I will take the dead body with me and use it for me to be sparred if the need arrives. This will hurt my moral obligation as a human being but does it truly matter in a case of survival? No, I do not think so. Maybe in your world! ... I gotta stop talking to myself...

I drag the corpse with me in the direction I was heading for... The corpse wasn't particularly heavy, so even if I did still feel some pain from last night and still have some broken bones, I should be fine if I do not make any sudden movements.

After I fill my stomach I think I should really hurry to the human village and locate a doctor for myself, before the situation worsens with these bones of mine.


AH! The lake! It seems today is my lucky day!...for now... I end up at the lake, at last. The whole time while I was walking, I was resisting the urge to talk to the dead woman I was dragging with me. I have no idea why I wanted to spill the beans of what I had to go through yesterday to a corpse. I guess, I was either bored or somehow tried to normalize what I was doing, yet I think I would have done quite the opposite and only make it worse for myself. If I had started talking, I might of have even caught some unwanted attention which I very much wouldn't appreciate.

But here I am! The... wow, quite misty that lake is... isn't it? Ignoring that, I dropped the corpse beside me and went ahead to collected some water into my hands to drink from.


Egh, I can feel the taste of fish in the water! But I think it did the job and made sure I don't dehydrate. As for fish... I don't see any. The mist is very much not helping. Thankfully, it isn't as dense as that red mist from yesterday when I finally got out of that Mansion. Since, if that were the case, I would have walked right into that lake without knowing.

I think I should make myself some kind of spear to obtain the fish once I spot one. I don't think I'll find a fishing rod anywhere close by, heh. That would have been too convenient. So, I head back to the for- !!!

„Hey! It's that guy I told you about!" Said the voice, which source is coming from the edges of the forest in front of me, belonging to a certain red eyed, blonde which I might of have tricked last night. Yup, that's Rumia in front of me, alright.

„Oh.... Why, hello again!" I try to play the innocent card.

„Shut up! You tricked me!" Said a not so happy Rumia. Who would of have thought one would be quite mad, after possibly standing still like a complete moron for several minutes, because they were tricked? Definitely not me! Nope! Nada!

„This time, I am going to eat you right away! No more tricks!" Said a Rumia which slowly started levitating upwards. ...Well, fuck.

„So this is the guy who tricked you?" Said a... oh, it's a fairy! A weird one...I think those are supposed to be icicles as wings. So, an ice fairy...?

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