Saumya was the lovely winter, where the land is covered with a carpet of glistening snowflakes and you are cuddling in a warm blanket with a cup of hot cocoa, while Bhavya, she was the summer, ablaze with energy , warm and sun kissed. Winter cannot last forever. Its harsh and isolating where even the animals hibernate. While summer, its scorching, blistering.


Saumya (POV)

The growing closeness between Bhavya and Rudra didn't go unnoticed by Saumya.

It was one fine day when I was sitting on 'our bench' and Rudra leaning on the tree. He was talking something on the lines of his dream job and how near he was to working in Aspire, his career plans and how within a few years he would be the CEO, if everything went right, about the developing industry and how there were so many opportunities for growth and so on. I was hardly paying and attention as I was drowned in my thoughts.

I began to realize, he was never mine and he never will be. He belonged to her and she belonged to him. I don't know why I even hoped for one second that he and I had a chance. Hope can break a heart and at least it broke mine without a warning or a sign.

"If you love someone, you should be happy to know that they're happy, even if it's not with you", my best friend used to tell me. So I convinced myself that as long as he's happy with her, I will be happy for him too. I wiped a tear that secretly fell from my eyes.

"Rudra" I said, "You are very passionate about your dream job aren't you?" that question sounded foolish even to my own ears. Of course he was. I had known it for years.

"Of course. As if it is a thing to ask", he just affirmed my thought.

"Then maybe you are sitting on the wrong bench." I could see the look of confusion in his eyes but he kept silent. "You and me, we are never meant to be Rudra. I wish it was safe to be just friends but we both know it isn't. Shhhh" I hushed him before he could say anything. "Rudra we are just a misfit. You have ambitions, your dreams, career plan. You want to soar the skies. I have faith, good grades, and I'm not one for trouble. I would never be able to leave from here. I am happy living here in this little village. We are completely opposite to each other and opposites don't always attract. Bhavya is perfect for you. You know each other, you share the same dreams. And I cannot take that away from you. Not now when you are so close to achieving your dreams. I know what they mean to you. You have always trusted my decisions and trust me this one time again. Just give it a thought. Please."

We both had remained silent for what seemed a long time. For the first time we had nothing to say to each other. The street light next to our bench also flickered for a while before it went out completely. When suddenly he spoke, "You will stay in touch, won't you? Come to meet me sometimes?"

Saumya stood before Rudra, her insides quivering but her face set hard. She had cried her tears, suffered her wounds, and walked the hardest roads. There was a moment, just a fraction of a second, when his face showed puzzlement. It was all the encouragement she needed. "You will never see me again Rudra. I don't want to leave you but I have to before I need you. I want to stay and be best friends like it used to be before relationships got in the way. Forget me Rudra." Rudra held her gaze, his eyes every bit as hard as one who harbours pure pain. Saumya felt the shockwave pass through her like it always did, yet this time she stood firm, with dry eyes and still hands.

"People don't forget girls like you. They try. But they won't ever forget what your love felt like."


Everyone had thought that Rudra had crush on Bhavya, but it was known to very few that even she liked Rudra. And speaking of Saumya, Bhavya had always been jealous of Saumya. In childhood she had always been with him as best friend and now, she had to just spoil everything by playing the epitome of sacrifice. Bhavya was not bad at heart. She was just not thinking straight at the moment. On one side she was sad for Saumya that she had to lose her love, but she was happy that she lost to her, she knew she shouldn't be, but couldn't help it. She was angry that Saumya, who had always been loved more by everyone, had again raised herself in the eyes of others. She had got Rudra but Saumya had won again. She had gone out of the house, crying.

Rudra followed the sound of the sobs. Lucky for him, she always cried like there was a gale inside her fighting to get out. He sat on the damp roadside bench next to her and followed her gaze to the moon, saying nothing. She wiped her tears and glanced his way. "Why do you even bother?"

"Bhavya, I know you, the real one inside, not the one you show the world. You're beautiful."

"But I rage, I get angry, I hurt people and I mess up all over again."

Rudra held her gaze, "I love you and that will never change. You are human like the rest of us and you make mistakes. You will continue to make them too, as do I. But what's so special about you is that you own them, feel the hurt and force the pain to make you better." Bhavya 's sobs had ebbed to a trickle and she took Rudra's hand. "I'm going to love you. I'm going to love you in your weakest moments to your strongest ones. I'm going to love you when you're happy and I'm going to still love you the when you're sad. Don't you understand? I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I want to love you. Each and every piece of you. I want you with your imperfections as much as I want you for you. And I'm always going to want you. I'm always going to be here, loving you with everything."

He gave a gentle squeeze to her hand which he still held and together they walked back into the house hand in hand.


Note – The Story is titled 'Maraasim' which, is an Urdu word meaning 'Relations'. I came across this word randomly and thought this will go with the story and hence the title.

A/N – I hope you guys enjoyed the story. Please 'Star' and 'Comment'. Suggestions are always welcomed. Criticisms, as long as they are not disrespectful, will help me write better, so please feel free to post them. I would like to know if there was any scene/line/description which you liked the most. 

Lots of Love, <3 <3 <3

- Griffrinclaw.

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