CHAPTER 1 : Southeast

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It begun.

Y/n's very first journey as the official demon slayer corps. She just finished her final selection and got the nichirin sword which (f/c) colored two weeks ago. Now the (h/c) haired girl are ready to stepped into the battle field to go accomplish her mission.

At first it was so exciting, but scared and anxious washed over Y/n when she was on her way onto the very first mission, she bumped into a former slayer and he had a terrible bruise after fighting the lower one demons.

Even it's still lower one, it scared Y/n to death if she failed.

Due to her are a late joined than other slayers, she just started wearing the uniform along her f/c haori with patterns. The trusty crow then landed on her head causing to stopped on her tracks.

"Kaw! Y/n! Change mission! Head to south-southeast!"

"Eh? Change mission?!" she yelled surprise.

"Kaw! South! Southeast! Hurry!"

"Alright, alright I get it!" she replied as her crow then fly back to the sky to lead the way.

"Did something happen? I wonder why." Y/n mumbled and continue to walk towards the destination.


"Come on Y/n! South-southeast!" told the crow again as she had to catch her breath because it's been telling her to go in a hurry.

"Yes, I get it! Stop it would you? I got the message already!" the girl whine towards the crow and was about to drink a water she brought but then she heard a loud thud at the front.

Someone just fell to the ground and she can see from afar that the person has some kind of a wooden box on his back?

Y/n also can see he is wearing the demon slayer uniform and a haori with black green square patterns.

Y/n then ran to the stranger, when she got closer, it's a male about her age who has a black to maroon hair and his wearing rare earrings.

"Are you okay??" she asked while holding his shoulder, her (e/c) eyes immediately met his maroon once as he looks at her blinking.

"I-I'm okay, thank you." He said while trying to get up but he crouches down a bit again.

"Did you get hurt? Let me help!" Y/n offered and in a flash circled his arm around her shoulder to help him walk.

She notices his cheek form a little blush as she rose one eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, uh, nothing! Sorry for the burden," the boy muttered as she then leads the way to walk side by side with him.

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