Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

Come home and we will get through this like we always have. Come home and you can have the family you have always wanted. Your mother and I have discussed adopting Mr. Williams. We only want to do so if you're here with us. All three of our children can grow up and spend the rest of their lives together. That's our vision. Please, let it come true.

Your father.


Date: 19th of April, 2020

Dearest She-Devil,
  I have no idea what I could say to you right now. You have enough Malfoy and Black in you to ignore everything I tell you. However, I must try. I don't remember our time together because of the obliviation spell. Mother said that we were close. Father said that we protected one another. I laughed at both statements.

I remember our first run-in. You had known Harry for one year by this time. I was a part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad at the time. You were sneaking out of the Room of Requirement when I spotted you. I thought I had done something amazing, but in true Jenna fashion, you outsmarted me. I remember staring at you, watching you flick your wrist for some reason. After that, all I remember is flying across the hall and landing on my back. It still aches now and then.

I never understood why you did that until now. Now, I realize you threw me backward to save Potter and his friends. You had figured out what Umbridge was doing to them. To all of us. Yes, even her favorites faced the punishment. Mother and father don't know about it, so please, don't tell them. You would do the same for me if I asked. Throw someone across a room to save me.

Do I have to ask if it is worth it? Throwing away the rest of your life to save the people you've just met. I wouldn't; I would live my life to the fullest. I wouldn't look back, Arabella. I would continue by putting one foot in front of the other. We all need to do this together. For once, don't depend on yourself. Let us in.

You have only ever had you. I know this because I saw your thoughts and memories. I have seen how you see yourself. I have watched how you handle situations and don't wait for anyone to rescue you. You're used to rescuing yourself because no one else ever comes. That's alright; we will break that habit.

We will rescue you from Death, Arabella. We will save you from this untimely fate. You end the habit of rescuing yourself today. We are going to find you and bring you home. Please, let us in, and tell us where you are.


DuBaer Residence
AutumnWood, MO
Date: Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Jenna DuBaer slowly crawled up the steps of the DuBaer mansion. With every step she took, the aching in her knees progressed. Her breathing was becoming ragged, and her heart was beating wildly against her rib cage. A stranger would have thought a woman at the age of seventy was walking in front of them.

With no issues, she reached the top of the staircase. Her gaze traveled out the window and to the Williams house. It was deserted with the Mayor and his wife being on a cruise. They did so believing that their son was staying with a distant relative in Georgia. Jenna shook her head, if only they knew.

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