╰┈➤ 𝑻𝑾𝑶

Start from the beginning

"princess," suna bent down to whisper into your ear, "the firsts guests will be arriving shortly. do you need anything last minute?"

she shook her head, "thank you for your concern, but i'm good for now."

"okay, your highness," suna smiled and returned standing upright, "let me know if you need a break as well. the guest list is quite...long."

"understood. don't be afraid to take a break too. i'm sure one of the miya twins can take your spot for five to ten minutes without an issue." y/n returned the smile and then called out to the doormen, "please start letting guests in to begin the evening's events!"

the double doors were now propped open to allow guests to enter.

"first to arrive are those of royal and noble blood of karasuno kingdom!" atsumu announced.

y/n turned her attention down the red isle and saw eight men, dressed in black with accents of orange walking towards her. once they reached her podium, they bowed and the princess returned the gesture.

"welcome to inarizaki. it is a pleasure to have you here."

the man with short brown hair and a strong build in the front of this group stepped forward, "the pleasure is all ours, your highness. i am prince daichi and these men are who i share my kingdom with."

a grey haired man with a beauty mark near his eye smiled, "i am sugawara, please call me suga. i am the prince's right hand man, part of the royal court."

"i am nishinoya!! pleased to meet you princess," introduced a shortest one.

"oh my, you are so beautiful, your highness! i am the prince's bodyguard, tanaka!"

a tall blonde with glasses scoffed, "shut up. you guys will blow her ears off. name's tsukishima."

"tsukki don't be rude! oh please excuse his behavior, your highness. he and i are both knights for karasuno kingdom. i am yamaguchi-"

"OI- I'M FIRST-" shove


"—WELL NOW I AM GOING BAKA!" shove, again.

y/n titled her head in amusement at the scene in front of her, a small tangerine fighting a pale boy. she cleared her throat to grab the last two's attention and they quickly snapped their gaze to her and bowed apologetically.

"please raise your heads. you are forgiven," she waved her hand, smiling and holding back her laughter.

the pale boy with dark hair looked embarrassed as he kept his eyes on the ground, still bowing, "kageyama tobio."

the human tangerine copied his rival and friend, "hinata shoyo, we both serve the prince as knights as well!"

"wonderful meeting the representatives of karasuno's kingdom. i am aware that you are a fairly new developing kingdom, so please know that inarizaki is here to support you through your journey. wealthy wishes to you and feel free to roam the castle as you like within boundaries."

they all gave a final bow and went their different directions. sighing, the princess leaned back into her throne, given that it was a large group and she already had to memorize eight names. but mama ain't raise no bitch so y/n already had their faces and names engraved in her brain.

"next to enter, please welcome, the princes of nekoma!" osamu yelled out.

a pair, both dressed in burgundy royal coats and gold tassels, but complete opposite auras, walked down to the princess. one was tall with messy dark hair who walked with a confident smirk and the other was smaller and had a thinner build. the shorter one walked with slightly slumped shoulders but the princess could tell he was observing everything in the environment.

"greetings kingdom of nekoma," y/n stood from her seat and curtsied which they responded with a head bow. "from my understanding, the two of you are not blood related, yet share the title of prince."

"you are correct, your highness." the tall one smiled. "i'm kuroo tetsuro. i've done some general planning with your brother, kita."

"that's amazing! you'll have to include me in your meetings sometime," y/n smiled, since she has always been interested in what her brother does.

"of course," kuroo patted his best friend's back, "however, the real brain is here."

the short blonde eyed the princess and then head bowed again, "kozume kenma, vice commander and prince of nekoma."

"to meet those who work with my brother is wonderful! he should be around somewhere nearby since he is in charge of security for the rest of the week, but feel free to bother him whenever. if he gets upset, i'll take responsibility," y/n smiled while kuroo and kenma chuckled as they waved and took their leave.

suna sighed, "the prince will most definitely get upset with you for that."

y/n smirked, "then so be it. we are siblings after all."

the bodygaurd looked down the list, "we are about halfway through the guests. do you need a break?"

before y/n could respond, atsumu yelled from the entrance, "johzenji dynasty and the nohebi clan have arrived."

the princess quickly fixed her hair and settled in her throne once more.

there were two men dressed in their respective royal colors who walked down the carpet, both from smaller kingdoms but nonetheless had no lesser value.

the man dressed in white and gold approached the princess on her left and the one dressed in green with gold accents approached her right.

"terushima yuji, of the johzenji dynasty," he brushed his hand up her arm and showed off his tongue piercing. "it is an honor to be in your presence."

suna stepped forward and used his arm to push the two men a few feet back, grumbling, "and your presence is a little too close."

"oh ho ho ho??" the man on the right grinned, "the bodyguard jealous?"

"shut up, you snake. if you have an issue with me, i will make sure you won't follow through with the rest of the celebrations."

"she won't be by your side for long or for forever, mister bodyguard," terushima crossed his arms, "once she is married she won't need another man in her life."

y/n rolled her eyes and sighed, catching the men's attention, "i don't need a man in my life in the first place, nor does any woman on this planet. but thanks for the concern and please take your leave."

the two princes shrugged and left and y/n shivered once they were out of her sight.

"you keepin' tabs suna?"

he nodded and scribbled on the guest list.

"good, make sure the miyas or shinsuke keep an eye on those two," y/n's nose wrinkled and her upper lip pulled up in disgust.

"good, make sure the miyas or shinsuke keep an eye on those two," y/n's nose wrinkled and her upper lip pulled up in disgust

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hope you had a divine time
reading!! i actually rlly like
terushima and daisho as characters
but we gotta get the ball
rollin somehow hehe :)
don't forget to vote

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