[2] Family Reunion And A Side Of Ambrosia

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The demon twins gulped as their father looked down at them. His interest was quite obviously peaked by the cake the demon twins held. Satou grinned, finding it hilarious that they were greeting the 4th eldest of the demon brothers with a christmas cake.

"A cake celebrating the birth of Christ in the middle of the school year?" Satan mused, though he was obviously still captivated. Rin and Yukio were late to realize their repeated mistake, and cringed inwardly. 

"Oh come on, Satan, it's a cake for Diavolo's sake." Satou reached out and poked the cake, lifting some of the frosting and shoving it into Satan's mouth. Satan's mouth watered as the buttercream frosting dissolved on his tongue. Giving in, he received the cake, and seated himself at the desk as he devoured it slowly. Satou turned to the boys and smiled sweetly. Yukio and Rin must have been sharing their thoughts, because at that exact moment the same idea ran through their minds; He's an angel.

"Well now, boys, I suppose it's time we got to know each other." Amaimon and Mephisto stared blankly at him.

"Satou, I'm not sure I understand..." Mephisto began, but a sharp glare from Satan shut him up.

"Well, two of you haven't met me yet!" Satou explained, gesturing grandly towards the two boys. Satou approached them, and they unconsciously took a step back. "I am Satou, and I am your father's fiancé! It is a pleasure to meet you both, and to see you two again." Satan choked on his cake but quickly returned to gobbling it up as if nothing happened. Yukio and Rin were dumbstruck, whereas Amaimon and Mephisto looked somewhat indifferent to the whole thing.

"Either way, that's not why we're here," Satou said, "we're here because it's family reunion time :D". The boys all tilted their heads.

"Is this not a reunion?" Amaimon asked, and suddenly Mephisto's eyes went wide.

"...You can't mean-" He was cut off by Amaimon's gasp of realization.

"You mean we're going to meet Father's brothers?" He yelled in lowercase. Satou nodded happily. Satan, finished with his cake, approached them again.

"As much as I wish you didn't have to meet Lucifer, I figured it'd be best if you got to see what home is really like. Not to mention, Asmo's little creations are also going to be running around, and you might as well get to know your cousins." Satan seemed reluctant but eager at the same time, and it wasn't as though those four had a choice.

"Alright, we'll go," Mephisto said reluctantly. Yukio and Rin were simply dragged on for the ride as Satou pulled all of them through a Gehenna gate.


Ambrose sat idly, her strawberry-caramel hair falling in waves around her pretty little face. Her clear skin and glassy eyes accented her beauty, and her slim but strong figure shouted power and elegance, demanding respect even as she sat observing. Her little sister Arden and Arden's twin brother Adriel played nearby. Their father, Asmodeus, was currently in the middle of working, and as the eldest she had been put in charge. They sat in a garden of beautiful pink, yellow, blue, and purple flowers, growing neatly and prettily, leaving space for the graceful marble benches on which she sat. She felt the rush of excitement that came with the Gehenna gate, and looked to the entrance of the garden. Out of the gate stepped Satan and Satou, a parade of unrecognizable kids behind him.

Ambrose stood elegantly, bowing slightly in greeting. 

"Welcome home, Uncle Satan, Uncle Satou, and..." Ambrose glanced at the boys, who stared at her in either shock, awe, or confusion; or, in Rin's case, all three.

"I am-" Yukio was about to introduce himself, but Mephisto interrupted. 

"Lady Ambrose, I take it?" It was the most polite they'd heard him, but they figured it was just a Gehenna thing. 

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