Chapter 13, Part 1 - Running Home

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"You like spending time with him." Fred commented almost absently, his own attention now caught up in the billowing snowy front pressing in on the city.

"I guess. He's less annoying than you but then again he really can't cook, and he's humming constantly. It's like he has a mouth full of bees or something." She's standing up again, moving over to his drawers and rifling through it's contents in a calm yet instinctive way. Fred shrugged and folded his arms into his chest. "I'm glad you have the company. I'm sorry I haven't been around much to talk, or anything."

She shook her head. "I'm fine. Gilbert is nice."

"Right.. Hey, Alice- He's in love with another girl, you know." Fred put forward suddenly, watching her a little closer.

"Oh I know. I've been badgering the details out of him. A village romance seems a lot more intimate than a city one, don't you think?" She thought, voice trailing off.

"No idea. Alice, I haven't seen you talk so much with a stranger before."

"But Gilbert's not a stranger. He's lived with us for over three months." She said, response muffled as her head was still buried in Fred's closet, riffling through his clothes.

"I.. suppose you're right." Fred mumbled, half to himself. Shifting in his work chair, he struggled to voice his thoughts.

Alice turned at his unusual quiet, her eyes instantaneously finding his own. She tilted her head slightly, gaze consistent in a comforting way. 

"Everything ok?" She spoke with out studying him, she was still as she waited for his response.

"Oh I'm fine." He answered, then altered his tone to something teasing.

"I must have mistaken your unlikely chatter with him for..." He shrugged.

"For what?" She was incredulous, stuffing a handful of clothes back into the closet. Her eyes went wide.

"I don't believe you! You'd really think that I would-  for him?!" She laughed, the indication of something between her and Gilbert a preposterous idea.

Fred laughed too. She continued- "He's old. And boring."

"Ok fine!" Fred gave in, shaking his head and standing up.

Alice shut the cupboard, an amused look still on her face and sat back down on the bed. Then she spoke in a more solemn way.

"She still wont touch that bottle you know. There's not a doctor nor a prescription Grandma will take seriously. Gilbert even backed this one up- he said it's the best we can get."

"Don't stress over it. She's doing well at the moment." Fred reassured.

Alice's nose scrunched and she pressed. "We don't know how well she's doing. That's the whole issue. Listen, I see her everyday. You.. don't- and I don't mean that in a rude way, it's just how it is."

Fred looked away. "You like staying here."

She stood her ground. "Yes."

He stammered slightly. "So why- why are you saying it like I'm the one keeping you here? You can go into the city Alice."

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