Chapter 0: The Prelude

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In the bustling city of Seoul, where towering skyscrapers painted the skyline and the hum of city life reverberated through the streets, there lived a young man named Jae Kang. At the age of 18, he was on the cusp of adulthood, navigating the complexities of high school, dreams, and the enigmatic nature of love.

Jae was a character of contradictions. On the surface, he appeared reserved and introverted, often retreating into the solace of his own thoughts. But beneath that quiet exterior, a vibrant spirit burned fiercely within him. Music was his passion, his escape, and his deepest desire. From a young age, he had been drawn to the enchanting melodies that carried him away to distant realms of emotion and possibility.

The story unfolds in the halls of Seoul High School, a place teeming with life and energy. It was here that Jae's dreams of becoming a successful songwriter took flight, buoyed by the vibrant atmosphere that seemed to pulse through every corridor. The walls echoed with laughter, the chatter of students, and the sound of lockers slamming shut. It was a world filled with potential, and Jae was determined to seize it.

But amidst the chaos and camaraderie, Jae's heart longed for something more. One fateful day, as he walked with his father to complete the enrollment procedures for extra courses at a private school, he caught a glimpse of a girl. She sat in a classroom, her presence radiating an ethereal beauty that captivated him. It was in that fleeting moment that his world shifted, and he found himself inexorably drawn to her.

Jae couldn't explain the sudden rush of emotions that coursed through him. It was as if fate had intertwined their paths, leaving an indelible mark on his soul. From that moment on, he became consumed by thoughts of her. Every waking hour was spent retracing the image etched into his memory, searching for a connection that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

The mysterious girl became the centerpiece of his daydreams, his muse, and the driving force behind his creative endeavors. Her face haunted his thoughts, her voice whispered in the depths of his imagination, and her essence infused his every composition. It was a love born from a mere glimpse, an unrequited yearning that would shape the course of his life.

And so, as the curtains rise on this tender tale, the stage is set for a love story filled with twists and turns, heartaches and triumphs. In the depths of his soul, Jae yearns for a love that defies logic and transcends the boundaries of reality. But little does he know that the journey ahead will test his courage, unravel his deepest insecurities, and reveal the true nature of love itself.

With anticipation coursing through his veins, Jae takes his first steps into the uncharted territory of the private school, his heart aflame with the flickering embers of hope. As he embarks on this extraordinary chapter of his life, the pages of his story turn, waiting to be written in the ink of destiny.

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