Chapter 2 ( Angel)

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Shes gorgeous! As i stand over her, she pants catching her breath. Her eyes, i could get lost in them forever! " You give up now?" I chuckle. " I'm Angel, you are?" She scowls at me while i back away off her. " I'm Golden Lily..." Her voice trails off. Hmm... i like her name, but also sounds familiar. Wait, shes the lost female wolf! " Golden lily, the lost female from the South-east Pack." I smirk and she looks around cautiously. "No one is here except me." She looks at me and looks at the bison, trotting over to it digging in. I follow her and knaw on one of the legs.


After we are finished, she walks over to the water puddle and dips her jaws in it to clean up. I watch her and wonder, how did she survive on her own for five years? Well, i could just ask her. Eh, why not. " Hey, Golden Lily, i have a question... how did you survive on your own?" She looks back at me glaring, she then sighs. "Well, to be honest, i wanted to die; however i knew i couldnt hurt my family like that, so i fought on and on till i was once again strong. They only thing that kept me going was my mother.." She stops at a whisper. I cant help but ask," Why your mother?"

"Because, she was weak and dying." I look at her with sad eyes, now i cant just leave her here. " hey, come back with me! You could stay with my pack for awhile" I chuckle with a happy smile. She scowls," i will NOT stay in a dreadful pack" She growls at me. Shes serious...ugh this is going to be harder then i thought.

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