Chapter 56 - Smooth Sailing

Start from the beginning

She watched as he placed his slender hand over hers to stop her from moving. His long fingers interlocked around her shorter ones.

He placated, "You won't lose us. I'll make sure of it, alright?" She nodded in response while staring at the floor. His other hand found its place on her cheek.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Because you can defend yourself. You've defended me and James. You've defended Kate and Marlene. You're stronger than you think you are, Joanna."

She started, "I'm not--"

He shook his head before interjecting, "When this war is over because it bloody will, things will change and we'll figure it out as they come. Sounds good?"

She nodded again. She gazed at his soothing eyes. They were warm and safe.

*   *   *   *   *   

"How'd you get the baby to fall asleep?" Kate voiced from the fireplace in the corner as she shook off some of the ash from her shoes.

"You were supposed to come back an hour ago..." Sirius pointed out.

"Bloody hell, did the time pass by that fast? I didn't notice," Kate made up.

Jo waved her off, "It's fine. Harry finally realized just how much energy is needed to cry all morning and went to sleep while we were talking."

"So typical baby stuff then," the curly-haired witch muttered.

"What have you been doing for the past two hours -- besides shirking from your joint babysitting duties?" Sirius asked.

Kate shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't mean to. I did go home to get some lavender and valerian but when I got there, my mother was sitting on the barstool reading Witch Weekly."

"Didn't she visit you guys last week?" Jo inquired.

"Yeah. But she came to relay a message from my grandma in New York." Kate continued, "Grans called mom and dad yesterday to try to get me to go there for a little visit."

"Well that sounds nice," Jo began.

Kate disagreed, "Little visit, my arse. They're plotting to get me to stay there until things get better."

"Wait, isn't your father's side of the family the muggles? How do they know what's going on?" Sirius voiced confusion.

"My dad may have told them certain details about the war. And muggles know something's up... Aaand mum may have heard what happened to Mr. McKinnon the other day," Kate answered.

Jo asked, "What happened to Marlene's dad?"

"You know he works at the Ministry, right? Someone left a note on his desk threatening him and calling him a blood traitor," Kate replied.

"That's sick. Foul. Disgusting. They're all horrible. We should be more glad we avoided that, Jo," Sirius reasoned while Jo cupped her hands over her mouth. Kate was still walking back and forth across from them at the table, not noticing when Jo offered her a cup of tea.

Jo suggested, "Now that you mention all of that, I don't think going across the pond is such a terrible idea. Try to understand your family's concerns, Katie."

There was a drizzle outside, raindrops could be heard splattering on the balcony floor. Sirius grabbed his wand to turn on the living room lights.

Kate shook her head, "I have, but they don't understand mine. Am I supposed to leave Marlene after what just happened? Or take her with me and leave her family here? It is a terrible idea."

Sirius went on, "And how's she holding up? Pretending to be unbothered, I suppose."

Kate rolled her eyes, "She's been burying herself in work. Signing up for as many Order missions as humanly possible. She even agreed to go on one with Peter right now."

Sirius spoke, "At least she's helping the cause. You know if more people voiced their support we'd get this done quicker. There's a power in numbers..."

Kate chuckled at his allusion and pointed at him, "That's exactly what I mean. If we had more wizards in the Order we could have defeated You-Know-Who ages ago."

Jo was staring blankly at them, "I don't know. It's not like your parents don't have a reason to be worried. Anything can happen to any one of us."

Sirius countered, "Of course it can, but if everyone scared decided to move to America we would never win. We can't show them that we're cowards or else they'll think they have the upper hand."

"Let's agree to disagree," Jo huffed, not in the mood to start an argument she wasn't sure she'd win.

The trio's raised voices had caused the baby in the far end of the room to stir. They all turned to the origin of the sound. Their three heads overlooked the tiny human in the cot. Wide green eyes looked back with slight fear and burst into tears.

Jo instinctively leaned in to carry the baby. She bounced up and down trying to bring back the peace. Sirius disappeared into their room while Kate moved to the kitchen to drink her cold tea.

Suddenly, Sirius was strumming his guitar alongside Jo and softly singing, "Dodo, goutte d'eau, Tout le long la fenêtre, Dodo, goutte d'eau, Tout le long des carreaux..."

Jo slowly placed Harry back in the basket, hopefully inducing him back to sleep. Sirius's gruff voice and the raindrops outside were the only sounds heard in the flat.

As Jo walked over to stand beside her friend, Kate remarked, "If there's one thing we can agree on, it's that Harry has got us all wrapped around his finger."

* * * * *   

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauties," Jo heard James say.

Her brother persisted to point out, "Look, he's even got a bit of drool on there," and Sirius's head was no longer on her shoulder. He began to wipe off his mouth with the back of his hand.

As she opened her eyes Lily quipped, "As if you didn't just wake up an hour ago like that."

Kate replied, "We've taken care of your rather loud son, and this is how you repay our kindness, Jamie?"

"Maybe don't volunteer to babysit, Katie. Did you really think the baby was going to keep quiet the entire time?" James rebuked as the three friends stood up to stretch.

Lily went to grab the nappy bag just as Remus popped into the living room, sopping wet from the thunderstorm outside.

"Hey, guys. I thought you were stopping by later," he stated.

Lily teased, "We were, but James was experiencing a bit of separation anxiety so we're here!"

Remus apologized, "I'm really sorry I couldn't help. But Dumbledore really wanted me to start researching today."

"Don't worry, Moony, there's always next time," James noted.

Sirius chortled, "Ha! We'll leave him all to you, mate."

The girls all giggled before Remus looked over at the baby, "He seems so peaceful and adorable like that. I almost envy him."

Kate snorted and commented, "Boy, do you..."

Even though it wasn't exactly smooth sailing, Jo wouldn't trade it for the world.

A/N: Dodo goutte d'eau (Sirius's lullaby) translation: Sleep, drop of water, all along the window, sleep, drop of water, all along the tiles...

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