Chapter 5

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But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,

J A E M I N 

You look like you are down in the dumps. Did your boss yell at you again? 

J E N O 

Can you tell?

J A E M I N 

I know you like the back of my hand. 

J E N O 

'No you don't,' I said out loud. 'You don't.' 

My thoughts reeled back to earlier that morning. Papers were strewn all around, and the heavy, almost rhythmic, slamming of the Leader's fists on the table mimicked my heartbeat. 

'A month and a half!' she screamed. 'And that wasn't enough?! What are you doing?!'

'I- I'm sorry,' I said, my hands quivering. 'I just... I need more time.'

The Leader sighed, massaging her temples. 'This isn't like you. You could have gotten the job done in a day! What's so special about this boy?'

'I'm sorry,' I repeated. 

'Listen,' she snarled. 'I want that Captain's son dead. I want you to kill him. Not hang around and play games! What was that excuse you gave me? That you needed to get closer to him so that it would hurt more when you finally killed him?' She guffawed. 'What a load of nonsense.'

She rose up from her seat, circling me as I trembled. 'Do what I tell you, or you'll finally get to meet your parents.'

I snapped my mind back to the present. In front of me, Jaemin was lying on the long grass, with a curious look on his face, as if to say, What are you thinking?  His summery eyes met mine, and he gave me a lazy smile. 

That was enough. 

What did I care if she tortured me in the worst ways possible; what did I care if she hung me over a bonfire and watched me burn? 

He was worth it all. A month and a half or all eternity, I had made my decision. I would give anything to protect him. 

I would meet with the Police Chief. I would tell him everything. Ask him to move his son to a safer place. Even if it meant turning myself in. Even if it meant dying. 

Paper Boats: NominOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora