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"Aahna, table four has been waiting for over two minutes for someone to come and take their drink order." Akshay the manager said as he walked by her.

Aashna blinked at him, trying to ignore the fact that he got her name wrong for the thousandth time while wondering if he noticed her arms filled with plates of food for a different table.

Rolling her eyes, she hurried to the table for which she had food for. She placed the plates announcing the orders.

A man commented "Nice"

Looking at the order or her body?

Aashna ignored him because she needed a generous tip as they were a lot of well dressesd men sitting there.

Aashna- Do you need anything before I go?

"Please say no."
She begged internally.

"Another Blue Moon, please."
The same man said still staring at her body.

She sighed in relief. As she turned, she caught a sight of Akshay staring at her and pointing to table four.

"Am I the only one on shift?"
She muttered to herself.

She turned towards the table four. Noticing there were only two men sitting at it, she relaxed a little bit. At least it would be an easy one. She reached the table.

Aashna- Hi, my name is Aashna, I'll be serving you tonight

She greeted them with a wide smile.

The two young men both turned toward her at the same time and she felt her confidence drop as she recognized the pair. They came in at least once a week and they were drop-dead handsome. Tonight they both were wearing shirts, rolled at the sleeves to reveal their veiny forearms.

One of them wore a black shirt with a white tie, while the other wore a white shirt with a black tie.

Aashna's POV:-
It made me a little mad. What was up with rich people being so attractive? Wasn't it enough that they had money? They had to steal all the good looks too? It was so unfair.

"A nice name but I guess that's not important."
The man in black shirt said, his tone was smooth.

The other tried to hide his laugh and her eyes shifted to him. He looked like a typical description of a Boy Next Door.

His comment annoyed her. She'd served them a couple of times before. Is this the first time he paid attention to her name?

"It's cute though."
The boy next door said politely with a smile.

Aashna- Can I start off with something to drink?

"A shot of Lagavulin for me, Aashna"
The dark-haired man said, not even bothering to look at the drink menu.

Aashna- Absolutely. And sorry for this but I need to see your I.D

"What? You don't know who I am?"
He said in a rough tone

Aashna- Am I supposed to...?

She didn't particularly care who he was.

Aashna- Your I.D?

The guy pulled his wallet from the back pocket and hands her his I.D. She took the I.D from him, her eyes sliding to his name on the card. "Sanket Mehta"

Aashna hand him the I.D back and turned to the other man

Aashna- Anything for you?

"I'll have a glass of ice water."
He said

Sanket- No he won't. He'll have a nice shot of whiskey with me. Give her your I.D

"I'm going to stick with water."

Sanket shook his head, giving his friend a disapproving look

Sanket- Meri life mei abhi problems hai and it is your duty as my bestfriend to drink away with me. Give her your I.D

"What kind of problems this rich, young man would be going through? But it doesn't matter to me!"
Aashna thought to herself.

"Sanku, I wouldn't really call it a problem."
The boy next door said.

Sanket- Ayee don't call me that. And give her you I.D

He pulled out his I.D handing to Aashna. After checking she gave it back. His name was Sid.

Sanket- Make that two shots of Lagavulin.

She went over to the bar to give the bartender Trev their order.

When she glanced back at their table she saw Sanket eyeing her and she stared back at him until he noticed. At this point usually the other party would look away, embarrassed at being caught, but this guy held her gaze with a pleased expression on his face. Feeling awkward, she turned away first and saw the man at table seven, waving her.

Aashna- Shit. The Blue Moon

Aashna- Can I grab a bottle of Blue Moon? I totally forgot I was supposed to get him one.

Trev- He's been watching you all night. Offers two thousand bucks and asks for your number.

Aashna went back to the table seven. She flashed her sweetest smile possible.

Aashna- I'm sorry for the wait, Sir.

"Maybe I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss."
He joked, causing all his fellow colleagues laugh along with him.

His eyes checked up and down her body.

Aashna- Anyone else need anything?

She took their silence as a no and hurried away. She looked at the table four and saw Sanket glaring her. She is late again.

She quickly head to their table after taking their drinks in a tray.

Aashna- I'm so sorry
She said immediately

Sid- Don't worry.

Aashna- Are you ready to order? You probably are. I've been gone for like five hours. I'm really sorry

Sanket- You have been gone for fifteen minutes.
He informed glancing at his watch.

Sanket- Do you usually make your customers wait this long to take their food orders?

She opened her mouth but couldn't think of anything to reply.

Aashna- Sorry?

Sanket- Sorry doesn't make up for poor service.

Aashna- I'm Sorry.

Sanket- I wonder what the owner would think of how his employees run this place. This isn't for you, surely.

Aashna- Listen, I apologized so is it really necessary to be this rude?

Sid- Sanket, it's okay. Let it be. I know you were watching her serve on the other table.

Sanket glared Sid for saying that and Aashna looked at Sanket.

Aashna- Oh,um, that's okay. I really shouldn't have snapped at you.

Sanket- Do you make enough money here to live?

Aashna- What?

Sid elbowed Sanket in the side

Sid- Ignore him. Should we give you our orders?

Aashna- Oh, yeah! Sorry

Sanket- No need to apologize

They order their food and Aashna mentally note that in her head.

Aashna- Sure. And sorry again.

Sanket- I'll let you go this time because you seem suitable.


(suitable for what?😉)

ig- fics_aasan

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