After a while of the three of you play fighting, your mom jumped up and started to tickle you. You started to shriek, and laugh, trying to get her to stop. But, your dad quickly joined in. The two of them were now tickling you, causing you to cry with laughter. Your parents laughter mixed with the sound of yours, making you laugh harder.

Your parents finally stopped tickling you and let you up. They sat back on the couch and your dad handed you your book. You smacked him in the leg with it, and leaned against the couch. You opened your book back to the page that you left off on and continued to read.

There was a small pain in your back, it caused you to turn around and look up. Your dad was standing behind you, pointing at his watch. You glanced down at his watch and realized that it was well past 1am. Quickly, you closed your book and set it back down on the coffee table. Your dad said goodnight to you, then watched as you ascended the stairs.


A year passed and your mom had gotten pregnant. In about eight months, you were going to have a baby brother and/or sister. Not a day went by where you didn't think of Bucky. You regretted not talking to him at all the day after he went to Charlie and Melanny's with you. Sighing, you sat up in bed and went over to your desk. Since everyone disappeared, you had been keeping a journal of your days.

March 12th 2019,

Dad and I are supposed to train a bit more today. I've gotten a lot better at controlling my powers. I'm able to conjure up bigger storms than usual, and the ultraviolet energy blasts have a great affect on things. Yesterday, Dad set up a few wooden enemies and I was able to blast their heads off. I think he said he's going to do the same thing today too. Mom is a month pregnant now so in about three to four months, I'll find out if I get a brother or sister. I couldn't be more excited. There will finally be someone other than me for dad to bully and tease.

I would be lying if I said that I had stopped thinking about everyone that had gotten snapped. Specifically, the Avengers. Well.... more specifically, Bucky. I should've listened to Steve when he told me to tell him how I felt before it was too late. And now that it's too late, there's so much I need/want to tell him.



You sighed and closed your notebook. No one can read these. Ever. Standing up, you walked over to your closet and got ready to train. You grabbed a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and grabbed your headphones before heading out for a warm up run.

You ran through the woods, following the trail that your dad mapped out for you. It was about a four and a half mile run but, each minute was worth it. You kept trying to get your dad to make the trail longer but, he wouldn't go for it. He kept telling you that you were still too young to be running too far from the house.

When you finally got back from your run, your mom was sitting outside on the porch reading a book. You jogged up to the front steps and climbed up to the porch. When your mom heard you, she looked up from her book and smiled. She closed her book, setting it on the table next to her. You paused your music, put your headphones around your neck, then sat in the chair next to her.

"How was your run sweetie?" She asked.

"It was good. Still wish it was longer though." You said, grabbing her cup of water.

"He just wants to make sure you're safe."

"I know. I know. But, the run just feels so short now."

"That's how things are after repeating them for a while." She smiled.

You smiled back and looked down into the glass of water. Letting out a sigh, you handed the cup back to your mom and watched as she set it back down on the little side table.

Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now