Chapter 1: Toner

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Ring ringgg ringgggg ring

Groaning, the girl rolled over in bed, pulling the covers over her head. Across the room, a few shuffles were heard. Suddenly the warm blanket was viciously yanked off of her. Screeching, the older twin glared at her brother. [e/c] orbs squinted at the tall figure standing nonchalantly in front of her.

"Nee-san, it's time for school," he softly whispered. Reaching out, he tugged his sister's hand. Letting out a obnoxious yawn, [l/n] [y/n] followed him up.

Entering the bathroom, the siblings started getting ready. Having a double sink was very convenient thus they never fought over whose turn it was.

"Can you hand me the cleanser?" [y/n] asked, holding out a hand.



"Thank you."

"Can I get the moisturizer Nee-san?"
"Mhm. Remember to put on plenty of sunscreen."
"Don't worry, I will."

Finishing up their skincare routine, the two of them moved onto their hair. Both of the twins had decided to keep their hair the same length as each other so that they could keep confusing others from differentiating between them. It was funny seeing how many people would confuse them, especially from the back.

Turning to her brother, [y/n] pointed her hairbrush at him. "What style today?" she asked with a rather serious expression.

Bursting out in laughter, [l/n] Yuma wiped a tear away from his eyes. Opening one of the drawers under the sink, he pulled out a few hair ties and clips. Shifting his fingers through the hair accessories, he selected few pearl barrettes. "I like these."

Letting out a soft hum, [y/n] took the barrettes from his hands. Smoothing back his hair, she secured them in. Turning back to the mirror, she copied the same style for herself. The two quickly scurried back to their room to change into their school uniform. Walking downstairs, [y/n] grabbed the cereal from the cupboards as Yuma grabbed the milk from the fridge. Shuffling around the kitchen, [y/n] stuffed her face with the sugary Frosted Flakes as she tied up their bento boxes for today's lunch. Yuma scrolled aimlessly on his phone as he munches on his breakfast.

"Nee-san, I have a photoshoot tomorrow at 5 pm after school."

"Ah, okie. Got it. Do you want me to come with you?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Don't you have your MMA practice though?" Yuma questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Waving a hand, [y/n] shook her head. "I can skip it if you want, don't worry about me. I just do it for fun. It's nothing too important."

"Nee-san, you say that but you have a upcoming competition that you need to win otherwise we won't have money," Yuma bluntly stated.

As if an arrow had stuck her heart, [y/n] dramatically slapped her hands over her chest. Slumping over the counter, she wailed, "Yu-kun! You're so mean to me. Do you just see me as a extra pocket money for you? Is this what our relationship is? Not of blood siblings but as wallet and spender huh?"

"I wasn't being mean. I was simply telling you to put yourself first instead of me all the time." Rolling his eyes, Yuma picked up his bag. "Please get up. We have to leave now."

Laughing at her brother's slight annoyance, [y/n] slipped on her shoes. As the two made their way to school, [y/n] was looking at the fellow students around her. Yuma's eyes flickered over to his sister and seeing her distracted gaze, he coughed. Looking at Yuma, [y/n] gave him a small smile.

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