Time For Mike To Die

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Your POV
You sat on the edge of your bed, with your knees to your chest and you were crying. Your phone rang the Five Nights At Freddy's theme song. You picked it up to see it was Mike calling. You answered the call.

"(y/n) Where are you it's your shift" He yelled.

"Can't go. I feel sick" You said.

"That is no excuse to take off work. Animitronics can't get sick it'll be fine" He asured you.

"Not that kind of sick. Just leave me alone OK" You said as you hung up.

Mike POV
I heard a boop and the call hung up. What did she mean not that kind of sick. Well might as well take her shift. I sat down ready to go. It was 1:00 am. I heard something in the hall. I looked to see Foxy walking head down clearly sad. When the camera turned it must've made a noise. He turned with eyes filled with rage and ready to kill. I closed the doors but he rammed through the doors after a few pushes. Then everything went pitch black.

Foxy POV
As I was walking down the hall I heard a whir. I saw the camera turn to face me. Mike must be taking (y/n)'s shift. When I turned me eyes were filled with hate and rage. He realised that and closed the doors on me. I kept pounding at them until I broke through. I pounced at him giving him the bite and ending his sad life. The others must've heard me banging because they rushed in.

"What happened to you Foxy" Chica asked.

"Aye it be nothing" I said getting on me feet.

"How did you break the door" Bonnie asked motioning to the hole in the metal door.

"Ye see" I said nervously. "Aye it be (y/n). She confessed her love for me but ran. It made me so angry and I broke the door and killed little Mikey here". They all stared at me when Chica sat down and gave me a hug.

"It'll be OK Foxy. Don't worry. She'll be back soon enough" She said. I broke the hug after holding it for about 1 Minuet.

"Aah so that's what you were hiding from me. Makes sense" Said a deep and unsettling voice.

"Goddammit Golden. Way to ruin the fucking moment man" Chica complained.

"Well now every moment will be bad when I'm around now won't it? What with (y/n) around as a night guard" He said smirking.

"Aye Ye just need to shut yer mouth" I yelled at him.

"Or else what" He asked mockingly.

"Or else ye end up like that door" I threatened. He turned to see the hole in the door.

"You did not do that. Probably my brother did" He laughed.

"You Jackass" Freddy yelled. "Foxy did do that. And he did it with no help whatsoever".

"Well looks like I better go" He said porting out as the bell rang.

"So anyone else want to help me in my operation to kill him" Freddy asked.

"Aye" We all said at the same time. Including a fimiliar lassies voice. I saw (y/n) standing there. She smiled at me and the went to the kitchen. Most likely to eat. She came back with a cupcake tart and gave us each one. After eating we had to go back to work. Sadly.........

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