•part two•

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The two Shelby brothers forgot all about Pius as they curiously moved to enter the kitchen, expecting a simple beautiful girl from Pius' talks about her, John fixing his hair on the way before they both entered, stopping in tracks when their expectations got exceeded. Arthur and John exchanged a look before both leaning on the door frames, watching a rather short and yet slim woman move around the kitchen, her clothes far more sophisticated, her hair combed beautifully. The female continued to make tea for herself and her brother as neither brothers talked, instead just quietly observing Pius' sister, hoping to see an angel when she'd turn around. "Good morning," Eleanor suddenly told them calmly, her back still turned and yet somehow she managed to feel two presences behind her, taking the Blinder brothers aback as they snapped out of their daydream. Elle finally turned to face the two men, both wearing suits and caps, clear as a day, the Blinders. One looked older than the other and had a moustache along with many cuts and bruises, while the other, though young looking, was probably her age.

"Bloody hell, woman," John began but Arthur rolled his eyes and took his cap off as a sign of respect or whatever he wanted Elle to feel that moment, the female smiling slightly, despite everything liking when men found her attractive. The brothers continued to examine her face at the same time she examined theirs before the men's eyes trailed onto the table where a beautifully and thoughtfully breakfast laid. "When was the last time we had a feast like that, eh? Pol can barely make an egg for us..."

Eleanor straightened her back, having heard the name Pol for the second time ever since coming, but brushed it off as she stared at the two clearly curious men, who made themselves comfortable in Pius' kitchen, John leaning against the counter, closer to her already, while Arthur sat down by the table, also not so subtly observing her. They were definitely not waiting for a beauty like her. London girls associated with whores or posh rich nose upturned ladies to the brothers, but Eleanor seemed none of those even if they didn't know her yet.

Beautiful blonde hair, hazel green eyes, pink lips and long lashes. Body of a well-kept woman with history none of the brothers would even imagine. "Apologies for not cooking more, my brother barely has anything to eat," she commented with a small shrug, smiling at them bravely like no other decent woman dared.

John felt a smirk tug at his face as he nodded and reached into his pocket before taking out a cigarette. "I'm Arthur Shelby," the older beaten man by the table introduced himself proudly, not noticing Elle's slight discomfort to hearing that this man was Tommy Shelby's family. She hid her initial expression and smiled slightly before waiting for the younger man to introduce himself, not appreciating his smoking in an already smoke filled kitchen. "My younger brother, John."

"The one with four kids?" Eleanor asked playfully, aware she was playing with fire with two brothers of a man she had to kill. Nevertheless, Elle knew her game and she knew men most of all. John gave Eleanor a perplexed look, but Arthur laughed, his laugh filled with cough from all the cigarettes he seemingly had smoked. "Sorry, I can't keep my tongue to myself, like my brother. Some say, it's in our blood."

Eleanor glanced at Arthur and examined the cuts and bruises on his face, a black eye and a split lip so she realized the beating he had taken was still fresh. From the way the man moved gave away that his body still ached. Elle wondered what had happened but didn't dare to ask during their first encounter with each other. "I think I'm gonna like this one, eh, John?" Arthur smirked at his brother, who matched his expression, Eleanor realizing she stood in the same room as these two seemingly dangerous men, able to joke with them and stand her ground. After many years of hatred for her maker, she had to be at least one thing thankful for.

Pius suddenly entered the kitchen, groaning when he saw the two Shelby brothers near Eleanor already, not wishing for them to put their noses in Elle's business or let her see any of his new life. Nevertheless, Eleanor didn't look uncomfortable so he sighed slightly. "Morning, Pius boy, had a good night's scream?" John mocked so Eleanor glanced at the man near her, wondering exactly what kind of person he was.

beautiful crime // t.shelby 1.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu