Hanami: Y/N I'm so sorry....

Y/N: no, it's okay Hanami, I hope Himitsu get better soon... say hello to him...

Hanami hugs Y/N before turning around and leaves her.

Y/N : I'll just buy the groceries after studying with Goshiki...

As Y/N is putting her stuff, she can feel a shadow looming above her. Y/N looks up and see Ritou.

Y/N : U-Uehara san-

Y/N was surprised and Ritou can see that she became cautious. Ritou clenches his hands and then trying to calm Y/N.

Ritou: L/N... pl- please I uh I won't do anything like before... I just want to talk... we can talk where there are a lot of people...

Y/N sees as Ritou looks uneasy and sad. She calms herself a little before agreeing and they both talk in the hallway.

Y/N: um... what is it?

Ritou bows his head a little and apologize

Ritou: Sorry L/N... I... sorry for what I've done before... I... was... ugh... I don't know...

Y/N sees as Ritou looks like he's feeling guilty.

Ritou: I... was close to  lot of girls... and then I got to know you... the more I see you and hear how you always looking at me as if I'm a good person... I... want to be the person you think I am...

Ritou looks at the floor and Y/N could feel the frustration in his voice.

Ritou: i was getting comfortable with you and then both Hanami and Kouji said that you probably have a feeling for me... and... I was happy, until I see that you're hanging out ith your childhood friend more often...

Ritou looks at Y/N.

Ritou: I... fell in love with you and... got jealous over that guy... I'm sorry...

Y/N was surprised that she hears the guy in front of her confesses. Y/N does admire Ritou for his humbleness and being a diligent person. But, the feelings she has for him, the admiration, was not the form of how a woman loves a man.

Y/N: I do admire you Uehara san... but, it was as in how I hope I can be as diligent and friendly like you...

Ritou: then... can I... try to make those admiration change?

Y/N looks at Ritou and then Goshiki's face flashes in her mind.

Y/N: no... you.... can't...

Y/N: you can't because... that feelings... without me controlling it.... has already feel that way towards someone else...

Ritou's shoulders slump down but then he smiles.

Ritou: I see... thank you.. for hearing me out L/N...

Y/N sees as Ritou smiles sadly at her. She bows her head and leave. Y/N walks, she remember how Ritou looks sad, though she feels bad but she can't help it, she was afraid of him and moreover, a certain guy keeps on showing up inside her head.

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