Chapter Four - Grade 6

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Alistair had spent all night thinking about his dilemma. But he made his plan. He was going to go to school. He had to. If he didn't go, the other's would. Alistair knew it would be very selfish of him to let them go and take the fall for everything. He had to be brave and admit what they did. 

They were his friends, and he was willing to do whatever it took for them. Well Bunny and Kitty at least.

Alistair got up and went down to eat breakfast. He took a bite of his bran muffin, then told his mom he was going to school. 

She was proud of him, but suspicious. But, she ignored it and got his bag ready. He gave her a kiss on the cheek headed out the door.

He walked along the pink and yellow striped sidewalk swirling towards the school. 

He came into contact with his other two friends. Maddie and Lizzie sped up to him, large smiles on their faces. Maddie was carrying their poster. Alistair was astonished and jealous at the same time. It was colorful and sparkly, soaked in information. 

"C-c-can I see your poster?" Alistair asked desperately.

They stopped to allow Alistair to hold it.

"History of Wonderland food? That's such a good idea!" Alistair said. 

He then looked over to see Lizzie holding a large box. She seemed to be struggling, after all she wasn't used to carrying things on her own. Her servants always did it for her.

"Need help?" Alistair offered. 

"Yes, please!" Lizzie said as she placed the box in his hands, and adjusted her sparkly clutch purse.

Maybe that was why so many people were in love with Alistair. He was a gentleman. But he wasn't as much of a gentleman when it came to projects apparently...

"Where is your project, Alistair?" Lizzie asked, suddenly noticing the absence of his poster.

"I- uh- it's- I mean- um," Alistair struggled to find the right words. Or any words.

~ A Few Chapters Ago ~ Alistair Wonderland ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora