Universe: Bang Chan

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"I think that the universe decided that we really are not meant for each other"

Bang Chan as himself
Lee Soo Ah as Yourself or Whoever in your mind was

Lee Soo Ah

A normal day as always, Bang Chan being a busy body, I can't even approach him these days, because of his work, being a producer, a leader, a idol guy who travels around the world.

I just can't take it, I love Chan with my whole heart, but this is too much, him having not much time for me kinda hurt me, I understand that he's an idol.

But I decided to give him more chance if he'll come home today, "Yeah... that's right! I'll give him a chance!" I said, as I stood up, trying not to be look like a depress person.

I cooked and cleaned for him, After a while, my phone's notification went on, I looked up and saw Chan's message.


Bang Chan
I think I'll go home tonight!

Soo Ah

Bang Chan
Of course!

Bang Chan
You happy?

Soo Ah

You can't imagine how much I'm happy right now!

Bang Chan

Soo Ah
I cooked one of your favorite dish~

Bang Chan
*Gasped* I'll guess....

Bang Chan

Soo Ah

Bang Chan

Soo Ah
So you better go home tonight!

Bang Chan
Yes ma'am!

Bang Chan
*Whines* Oh how much I missed you cooking

Soo Ah
I know you do

Bang Chan
*Background* Chan Hyung! The laptop's fixed! Let's go practice again

Soo Ah
*Disappointed* Oh....guess you still have a practice?

Bang Chan
I'm sorry Soo Ahh...you know me but don't worry we'll cuddle later *Teasing Voice*

Soo Ah
*Giggles* You got me

Bang Chan
I know

Bang Chan
I gotta go now baby

Soo Ah

Soo Ah
You should come home okay?

Bang Chan

Soo Ah
Okay I love you!

Bang Chan
I love you too!

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