"Oh right. Yeah, I wasn't feeling too good."

She didn't tell her mum that we broke up? I wonder why. Then again, I didn't tell my dad. "Um so Casey actually went to the shop. She won't be back too soon," I lied and they sighed in disappointment.

"Alright then I guess we'll just see her tomorrow morning," Mrs Gardner said and they turned to leave when Casey's dad started to speak.

"Uh you're not sharing a room with her are you?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow at her. "Um no we're not. Why do you ask?"

"No reason..." He replied, rather coldly before they turned around to leave.

"I FUCKING HATE HIM!" Erika suddenly yelled once the lift doors closed, shocking me. "That homophobic crusty old man. How did he manage to pull Mrs Gardner. She can do so much better," Erika exclaimed when we heard the door behind us open.

We saw a blonde girl leave Casey's room but it wasn't Rachel like I expected. She pulled Casey in for a kiss, making me internally gag. She stroked Casey's hair before exiting the room.

Casey turned to her left and her face dropped when she saw us. "We need to talk to you," Erika said, dragging me to her.

"Hi," She mumbled. "Hi," I whispered back, bending my head to hide the obvious hurt on my face. "Your family was literally going to your room. We heard you having sex so Izzie told them you went to the shop," Erika explained and her eyes widened.

"You heard me?" Casey asked quietly, turning to me. I looked up to meet her eyes and looked away immediately. "Remind me to wear earplugs every time I walk past your room," Erika said and Casey smirked before laughing.

"Well, thanks for saving my ass," Casey said, looking at me. I gave her a small smile.

"Ok my girlfriend wants to hang out tonight. I need the room to myself Izzie. Have fun you too," Erika said, giving me a smirk before waving goodbye.

I looked at her in panic and she gave me a reassuring smile. When she was out of sight, I turned around to see Casey leaning against her door frame.

"I can sleep on the couch," She suggested and I shook my head no. "Um, it's ok if you don't want me to sleep here. If you're uncomfortable..."

She laughed a little. "Where else will you sleep then?" I looked at her and bit my lip nervously.

She made way and allowed me to enter her room. The first thing I noticed was the messy bedsheets. "I can sleep on the couch. Since you... you know... on the bed," I said and she smiled. "No I had sex on the couch so the bed is safe," She said.

I nodded awkwardly before sitting down on it. What the hell do I do now. Honestly, can she just sleep with me, I want her so bad.

"There's Netflix on the TV if you wanna watch," She said, going into the kitchen. I saw that there were crushed beer cans everywhere in the room.

She was barely surviving here.

"Hey Iz, look at this," She said, giving me her phone.

Mum: Hey Casey, if you aren't too busy or tired we could go get supper if you want. Bring your girlfriend too!

"You didn't tell your mum that we... broke up?" I asked. "Sam really likes you. I don't wanna disappoint him."

"So are you willing to pretend we're still together just for an hour?" She asked, putting her hand out. "Will your dad be there?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Wow we better prepare for battle with big, scary Mr Gardner," She said, sarcastically. "I'm just asking..."

"Well he's obviously gonna be there. So are you gonna come or not?"

Casey and I aren't together anymore. She's right. Mr Gardner is insignificant now. "Let's go girlfriend," I said, taking her hand.

Casey and I reached the 24 hour pizza place that was just next to the hotel. We looked inside to see Sam and Casey's parents already seated at a booth.

I felt a soft and familiar touch on my hand and I looked down to see Casey's fingers intertwined with mine. We didn't say anything for a while. I didn't want to let go of her hand forever.

We slowly walked into the pizza place, and we plastered a fake smile on our faces. "Casey!!" Mrs Gardner exclaimed, running towards her with Mr Gardner following behind. Mrs Gardner engulfed us both in a hug until Mr Gardner joined the hug and subtly pushed me away.

"Fucking bitch..." I thought to myself.

After ordering the pizzas, Mrs Gardner started to ask us questions about our "relationship".

"So how did you guys get together?" She asked. "She spilled a drink on me at a party, ended up sitting with me on the plane, eventually realised she couldn't resist me," Casey said, smirking at me and I felt my cheeks burn up.

"It's true. Your daughter and I had a special... instant connection Mrs Gardner."

"Please, call me Elsa!"

I smiled shyly at her before turning my attention to Casey.

"Do you guys think Edison is doing fine at home with Zahid?" Sam asked. "I'm sure he's fine, honey," Elsa said. "Who's Edison?" I asked.

"His dumb pet," Casey replied. "He's a tortoise. I did many rounds of interviews and tests to see who's suitable enough to take care of him while I'm away," He explained and I smiled. "I love tortoises. I learnt in Bio last year that they-"

"Nerd!" Casey cut me off and I rolled my eyes at her. "Come on! Tell me more details!" Elsa exclaimed, bringing us back to the topic of me and Casey.

Before Casey could say something, Mr Gardner started to speak.

"Alright are we seriously going to sit here and act like this is normal?"

Everyone whipped their heads to him in confusion. "Izzie... you're, you're a girl! Explain to me how that even works! Casey's not gay. Casey can't have a girlfriend. It's disgusting."

Elsa looked at him angrily while I bent my head down, tears threatening to come on.

"You're disgusting," I heard Casey say. "You can't speak to your dad like that," Mr Gardner said. "And you can't talk to my girlfriend like that. I don't care if you support us or not. Your support means nothing to me. You can do whatever and say whatever you want but I will fight for Izzie Taylor every second of my life. She's my entire world and I'm not myself without her. So don't tell me who I should be, don't tell Izzie who she should be and don't you dare tell us that we can't be together."

She took my hand and we got up from the booth.

"Mum, Sam we can meet for dinner tomorrow night if you want. Dad, take the first flight out of here in the morning. I seriously don't wanna see you anymore."

And with that, we left.

This time, I took control and started to drag Casey with me quickly. "Izzie, slow down," She said and I ignored her.

When we reached her room, I wrapped my arms around her neck before our lips connected. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I had her against the door so I turned the knob while our lips were still connected.

When we entered the room, I threw my jacket across the room before we sat on the bed, me on her lap. "I meant every word I said back there," She said, slightly breathless.

I continued to kiss her, clutching on her jacket, hinting her to remove it.

"Wait are you sure you're ready to do this?" She asked and I nodded immediately. I noticed the nervousness on her face while she stroked my hair, looking at me with so much love. "I can't believe, you of all people, are nervous," I said, laughing.

"Well yeah. This is my first time doing it with someone I love," She whispered. "Oh my God just kiss me," I begged and she rolled her eyes before connecting our lips again.

I pushed her onto the bed and she groaned when her back hit the TV remote and I giggled.

"You're such a loser," I whispered into her ear before she flipped us around. 

nine thousand miles | cazzieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon