His eyes widened as the popsicle slipped out of his hand. "Wait—you're serious?!"

I scratched the back of my head. "W-Well.. I mean-she's cute and she looks kind..."

"Woah! Finally you had interest in girls already!" Ran clapped his hands as if he was so proud of me.

I frowned more. "I'm only 9 years old y'know."


2 years later..

"Dummy! I told you we were gonna be late!"

"I had to braid my hair first, Rindou!"

"Mom's gonna cut your hair sooner or after!" I exclaimed and continued running. We're almost near the school when I saw a bunch of kids around my brother's age gathered knocked out by some dude wearing a cap. "Hey Ran." I stopped from walking and called my brother.

"What?" He asked and I pointed at what I'm looking at. "Heh. Those are my classmates. Looks like they got their asses beat up."

"That guy looks strong."

"He does. Anyway we have to—Oi Rindou what the heck?!"

I didn't bother telling him that I wanted to fight that punk but then again, before I could even grab the punks shoulders to punch him in the face, the next thing I know is I'm lying on the ground.

What the hell just happened?..

I groaned in pain as I felt the hard ground hit my back. I didn't expect him to be this strong!

"Rindou!" Ran walked to where I was and knelt on the ground to help me get up. "You're so stupid! Next time tell me when you wanna fight! Ugh!"

I clicked my tongue while stretching my back. The impact of how I fell was too hard that I almost thought I broke my spinal cord.

"Tsh. Even if you two come to me at once, I can easily knock you both out."

My eyes widened as I turned my gaze back to the punk wearing a cap. "Wait a minute..."

"Oh shit..." Ran reacted.

"Y-You're a girl?!" I said in terror as I pointed at him—I mean her.

She chuckled and removed his cap letting her medium length hair flow down. I gulp and turned red as soon as our eyes met. I know... I fucking know this girl.. but still.. I can't believe it! I can't believe I was knocked down by a girl and I can't believe the girl who knocked me out is the girl I met at the convenience store when I was a kid!

I'm sure! I'm 101% sure it's her!

"Woah you did all of these?" Ran asked in amusement while looking around us where his classmates can be seen knocked out.

She nodded with a smirk on the corner of her lips. "Amazed?"

"We can do that too."

"Cool. Wanna grab some ice cream with me then?" My heart started beating fast when her eyes diverted to me. I even needed to point myself to see if I was the one she was talking about. "Yeah you and you." She pointed me and Ran. "You guys look strong but not strong enough to defeat me but hey I wanna eat ice cream with you guys!"

This girl.. this girl is so blunt..

"Eh? Don't you have school missy?" Ran asked making her roll her eyes.

"I'm gonna ditch school today."

"Really? I'm in!"


I widened my eyes at my brother. "No You're not! Mom's gonna kill us if she—"

"Oh c'mon! Don't be a party pooper, Rin!" Ran cut me off. I sighed deeply and Face palmed.

"Rin? That's your name?" The girl asked. I was flustered as I nodded my head. Is she curious about my name? "Nice To meet you then! I'm Y/n. I believe I've already met you before. At the convenience store?" She offered her hand To me with a wide smile. I gladly accepted it with a huge blush on my cheeks.

S-She remembered! Even though it was two years ago she remembered!

I felt Ran nudge his elbows on my stomach making me glare at him. "That's her? Your little Crush 3 yea—ow!"

I secretly smacked his back and smiled at Y/n. "Yeah.. It's surprising that you still remember me."

"Of course I won't forget you! You gave me that ice cream even though it was obvious you wanted it more than I do!"

"It's really.. not a big deal." I scratched the back of my head with a shy smile.

"If you say so. But still! Thanks again." She smiled at me and let go of my hand. That's when I realized I haven't let go of her hand a while ago. I get to hold her hand much longer than I expected! "I will never forget you cause we're gonna be friends forever!"




"Hey! Count me in!" Ran exclaimed and stood in between us.

She said she will never forget me cause we will be friends forever. I was beyond happy when she said that. Forever.

The three of us will hang out all the time after our school, sometimes we would ditch our classes too but that would be once in the blue moon cause she's in a different school. Not so long, we became close. Although Ran would rarely spend time with us cause he's already in first year high school while Y/n and I are both still in elementary. My feelings for her started to develop more. I started to see her more than a friend to me. Maybe because of her kindness towards me?

She promised that she will never leave my side. She promised that we will kick people's asses together. She promised that we will be friends forever. I let myself hold into that promise until I can finally tell her what I really feel about her.


All of her promises suddenly flew away the day she left the city without any goodbyes.

I thought I wouldn't see her again but then again, I was wrong. I saw her. I saw her at the bar. I promised to myself that the next time I'll meet her, I wouldn't let her slip away anymore. Our eyes met multiple times but it looks like she doesn't remember me at all. I wanted to approach her but I already saw her dancing with Sanzu at the dance floor. I smiled bitterly but I didn't put any meaning to that cause I know Sanzu too well. He doesn't take woman seriously. He doesn't take relationships seriously. Or so I thought...

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