Forewarned Murder pt. 1

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"Hey! The door won't open!" A man said as he kept banging the door

"Try opening it from the outside!" He said but it won't open

"It won't open? What should I do?" He asks himself

{-Murder game...}
{-Project D...}

"What is that digital clock?" He looked at it confused

{Beware of those around you.}

"Hold on... Wait..."

{-I'm M.}

{Always beware of those around you.}

"It's fake." He said a he kept looking for something important

{There are people who are against this project.}

"Open the door!" He said banging the door again



Third Person POV

"Miss Jung!" a maid said entering the living room of the Jung Family's mansion.

"Yes Unnie?" a girl with glasses turned to looked at the maid,

"There's a letter addressed to you Miss" the maid said and handed the girl the letter and left.

"What's this?" the girl asked to herself while observing the letter on her hand.


"Hello." A man with two cameras on his backpack and he wore a gold and black mask greeted the Bouncer outside.

Next a woman with a red and black mask appeared and entered.

The fourth is a man with rose print on his mask he wore a brown coat.
"This?" He asked the bouncer.

The next one is a man who wore a traditional hanbok with a black and white mask.
{-Secret Royal inspectors from the past-??}

Next is a man who looks like a magician with the hat and cape with a blue and black mask entered. He and a woman who had just also arrived is wearing a suit with a pink and black mask. The woman is quite tall even though she's walking alongside the man.

"Oh, my" he said once he entered the room.
"Are we the last ones?" she asked the moment she entered,
"No, we're still waiting for the last one" a man who's wearing a trench coat replied.
The last one arrived he's wearing a suit with a gold and black mask.

"Is he a foreigner?" someone said.

"The tables are all full now." A man said.

"You all received an invitation?" the man in the middle with the detective hat asked

"I think we're all guests here." The woman in the red mask said,

"I received an invitation." the man with the detective hat said.

"Our host doesn't seem to be here." a man said,

"Should we do a toast?" he offered,

"Just stay still." The man in the hanbok stated,

"Are we just looking around..." a man said,

"Wait! Someone's coming!" The man with the cameras at his backpack said and gestured to the staircase where a man was indeed walking down, and he seems to be the host of this party.

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