As I walked through the common room Luna came up to me and asked if I was okay and why I didn't come down for dinner but I ignored her too and kept walking to my room. I opened the door and when I went to sit on my bed there was a plate of food stopping me from pulling back my covers. The plate was full of my favourite foods and underneath the plate was a book "Advanced potion making". I lifted the plate up and put it on my nightstand and went to lift up the book when a note and something small fell off of it and rolled onto the floor. It was Draco's ring and a note saying "You said you liked it, so it's yours"

Luna came in and practically demanded I tell her. She looked so worried and to be honest I'm glad she pushed me. I needed to get it off my chest, it has been building up for too long. I said "Well before I left Beauxbaton, or should I say before I was expelled, I had a friend called Charles. We were best friends for two years. We were inseparable and after a while I guess he developed feelings for me. When he asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes. Not because I liked him but because if I told him I didn't I would lose him forever. So I lied. He was trying so hard but I began to resent him for it. Bringing me flowers in the middle of the day, telling me he loved me constantly, wanting to spend all his time with me and after a while I snapped. I told him I didn't love him and I never would. I told him he was annoying and that I wanted him to leave me alone. Later that night I was telling my friends horrible secrets and lies about him just to make myself feel better because I knew what I did was horrible. Turns out he was listening from behind a corner and heard everything. He ran through the room where me and my friends were and he was crying. There was something keeping me awake later that night and once all my friends were asleep I went to check on Charles and apologise for everything.

The door was unlocked and when I turned on the light" I was no longer crying as I told the story but I was sobbing and luna pulled me into a hug even tighter than before. "When I turned on the lights I saw Charles hanging from the curtain rod of his bed" luna looked shocked and tears filled her eyes. "When I saw him I wanted to die myself, I could have then and there. I knew it was all my fault. I screamed for help waking up most of the students and some teachers. As I frantically tried to get him down.I cut the rope with one of his roommate's pocket knives and he fell into my lap and we both collapsed to the floor. By then there were at least 30 students in the doorway trying to see what was going on. But I was just sitting there trying to untie the noose from around him and crying like I never had before. Two teachers managed to break through the crowd and when they saw what happened they had no idea what to do. One of the teachers was professor Miguel Jean and without hesitation, he ripped Charles from my arms and ran him to the infirmary where he was pronounced dead that morning.".

Luna was wiping her tears away trying to stop me from seeing just how upset she was but I could tell that it was worse than she had ever expected. I lost count of the hours we spent on my bed with luna holding me but at least an hour later I told her that I understand if she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore but she hugged me tighter before I could finish my sentence.

"It's a terrible tragedy but why did you get expelled, it was his own choices and actions". I knew that wasn't true but I didn't have the heart to tell her the whole story just yet, so I just hugged her tighter. I was actually beginning to dose when I heard her say in a faint voice

"Don't worry Y/N, I won't tell anyone. And frankly, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, losing your best friend and having his dead body in your arms" I cut her off

"If he was lifeless when he fell on top of me I wouldn't be able to see the Thestrals". I said and the expression on Luna's face changed completely, now she understood not only was I the reason for his death, but he died in my arms.

June 14th, 1994

Dear Diary, I went to class for the first time since the incident yesterday. everybody was looking at me all day, even my own housemates. the only good part about today was when I practised quidditch with Cedric. He's started calling me minnow, he says it means little fish. it's weird but I kinda like it.

Draco has sent me a few letters.

Fawley, please talk to me, ill be in the astronomy tower.

Yours, D. 

It's been three days, Please talk to me, you know where ill be.

Yours, D

You starting to scare me now, I haven't seen you for a week. Please respond I just want to know if you are alright


I don't have the heart to respond. Not yet.

June 19th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I was sitting on the astronomy tower with my legs dangling off the edge. I was thinking about Charles, but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs. I didn't move I just sat there as a figure came into view taking a seat next to me


"I don't want to talk about it Draco," I said still looking forward

He sat next to me and stared into the sunset with me.

"Did you not notice in my letters?, I never asked you to tell me why, I just wanted to know if you were okay, I just wanted to talk to you, I miss you" He said sounding so sad

This can't be fake, nobody would say that if they didn't have true feelings for me. So with that, I kissed him.

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