"What?" He shouted back.
He ran back to me, frowning.
"I have to go home now" I panted, my eyes darting around.
"Get me the fuck out of here James please"
He pulled me up from the floor and led me out of the park, gripping my hand again. I kept my head down and hoped the shadows wouldn't see me, or else we'd both be dead.
We got home..and Liv was in the doorway? She was talking to a police officer, describing something. Describing me.

"Cook!" I said, squeezing his hand.
"Shh" He replied, and took me round the corner.
I knew what he was thinking. If he took me back home, Liv would take me away from him.
"We'll go the long way yeah?" He said.
He took me round the corner into town...and straight into a giant carnival. The crowd swarmed around us. There was no way out. Music was booming out of the main float, dancers were all around doing the same identical routine over and over, making my eyes go blurry.
"Why the fuck did you bring me here!" I shouted, leaning into his arm.
"I didn't- I didn't know!!" He shouted back, placing his hand over my head.
I cowered underneath his hand until I suddenly saw a opening out of the crowd. I frantically ran towards it.
"KAL!" Cook yelled.

I fought my way through the crowd, elbowing and pushing everyone I could, but I was too late. The gap closed up, and people crowded round again. The music, the colors, the people...it was too much. I ran my hands through my hair and breathed heavily, trying to calm down. It was no use; this crowd was gonna swallow me whole. I yelled but nobody could hear me over the music. Why the fuck did I leave Cook? I needed him now. I could hear him calling my name, but couldn't see him anywhere. Too many people, too much noise, no way out...

"KATIE" I yelled as I recognized a girl dressed up as an angel, dancing on the float. She didn't hear me and carried on dancing, waving a wand around.
"KATIE!!!" I sobbed.
She frowned a little and looked around, until her eyes met mine.
"Kal?" She mouthed, furrowing her brow.

She noticed the tears spouting out of my eyes and reached her hand out. I held it tightly, and she pulled me up onto the float. She hugged me in while I cried, my eyes darting around for Cook. I noticed someone waving their arms, it was him! Katie pointed him to an way out and took me there.

"Cook what's happened?" Katie asked.
"I don't know..I just.. I don't know" Cook said, taking me into his arms. He hugged me in tightly, before pulling away and cupping my face with his hands.
"Don't do that to me ever again" He said.
I was sorry I hurt him, but I couldn't let them get me.

Cook and Katie walked me home, and luckily nobody was in. Liv was probably still looking for me. Cook pulled me onto his lap and kept a firm arm around me as we sat down in the kitchen, while Katie put the kettle on. I shut my eyes. Maybe if I couldn't see the shadows, they couldn't see me.

"What's wrong with her Cook?" Katie asked.
He sighed and reached into his pocket. I heard him slide a piece of paper over to her.
"Psychotic depression?" She asked, reading the sheet.
"I looked it up. Hyperactivity, hallucinations, hypersexuality... she's had all of them"
"Shit. So what are you gonna do?"
"No idea"
"Just put her into one of those mental hospitals"
"Nah. I cant lose her" He said, shaking his head.

They were talking about me as if I wasn't in the room. I guess I wasn't, I was deep in my thoughts.

"But her sister will" Katie sighed. "Once she sees how Kal is acting.."
"Then I'll take her away!"
"Cook, you're a fucking criminal, and the police are looking for you and Kal as we speak! There's nothing you can do mate"
Cook sighed.

I opened my eyes and looked around. Everywhere. The shadows were fucking everywhere!! Closing in. I suddenly stood up, and went to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Cook asked, grabbing my hand. A look of worry shone in his eyes.
"Bathroom" I said, forcing a smile. He nodded and slowly let go of my hand, before I walked away.

I rushed upstairs and into the bathroom, and flung open the cupboard. Razor blades came tumbling out as I swept everything off the shelf with one hand. I picked one up, and took a deep breath. I knew what I had to do. If I was gone..the shadows would be too. Cook would be safe. They wouldn't be after him anymore. I winced as the blade dug deeper then usual into my arm, sending crimson-colored blood pouring out. I got dizzy and fell to the floor, blacking out.

I nervously nibbled my thumb while I waited for Kal to get back from the bathroom. Katie finished pouring the mugs of tea and placed one in front of me, but I couldn't bring myself to drink it. My hand was too shaky to even hold the fucking cup.

"Something really bad is going down Katie" I muttered.
"Love to see how you're gonna slither your way out of this one" She smiled.
"Don't think I can" I smiled back.
My smile slowly faded.

"When did this all start anyway?" She asked.
"Probably when I left. When I came back I went to Freddie's, he told me how weird she'd been acting. I went to hers and she was fine for a night but then..."
Katie placed her hand over mine.

"Then she started acting weird again. She keeps talking about these shadows? That they're trying to get her? She's got fresh scars all the way up her arms. She used to cut ages ago, but I got her to stop and now.." I shook my head and gulped, forcing tears down.
"Cook, you've got to get her help!" Katie said.
"...I know" I whispered, my voice breaking a little. A tear escaped out of my eye and I wiped it away quickly. Katie walked over and wrapped her arms around me, until we heard a thud from upstairs.
"Kal?" I said, loudly.
I didn't hear a reply. I stood up and repeated her name, but still there was nothing.
"I'm gonna go and check on her" I said.
Katie nodded, before I went up and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Kal? Kalani are you alright?" I said, knocking harder. "Can you let me in? Kal?"
The other side of the door was dead silent.
"I'm coming in alright?"
I stood back and repeatedly kicked the door, breaking the lock until it burst open. What I saw next was like something out of a horror movie.

"KALANI!" I yelled, running to her side.
She was blacked out on the floor, with a huge pool of blood around her arm. Her eyelids fluttered open and closed. The cut was so deep I almost threw up looking at it. I took her wrist and covered it, trying to stop the blood.
"KATIE!" I shouted, while tears poured out of my eyes. "KATIE CALL AN AMBULANCE"
Katie ran upstairs and slowly placed a hand over her mouth as she saw what had happened.
She nodded and ran to get her phone, while I sobbed onto Kals lifeless shoulder.

FUCK IT ⚠︎ skins, jcHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin