
Because of me.. Sanzu's life is in stake. Why didn't I think of this from the very start? I have a psycho family for gods sake! They didn't touch my ex—Kazutora cause I knelt on the floor and begged to them! But I know.. I know that it's different right now.. even if I beg.. even if I offer my freedom to them.. they wouldn't Sanzu off the hoop that easily...

Sanzu is in Bonten. My family disgusts Bonten. My boyfriend is Sanzu who is in Bonten. How did I not think that they wouldn't do a background investigation on my boyfriend? I was too careless.. I didn't think about the consequences.. I don't want anything bad to happen to Sanzu..

All of my anger towards him awhile ago suddenly faded. I started to get worried. What if nothing really happened between him and that girl? What if it was just a set up from my dad or Sano? What if they're trying to separate us? But no.. Dad wouldn't go that low. So I'm guessing it was Sano's plan? Now that you mentioned it... he was there—and Rindou was there!

Ugh! My head is spinning!

"I.. I need to see him.. I need to see if he's safe.."

"You can't." Even though I was looking down on the floor, I could feel Sano Manjiro's death glares at me. I suddenly looked up to him when he started walking away. "If you meet up with him, it'll be the end of him. Do you want that to happen, Y/n? You'll see lower than the low or much worse—dead just because of love? Heh. Think about it. If you need something you can ask Koko or the Haitani Brothers." Those were the Last words he said before he left me here alone with clouded thoughts.

I bit my lip when I felt another tight feeling inside my chest.

If I stay away from him, Will he be safe? Do I really have To stay away from the person I really wanted To spend my life with forever? Do I really have To sacrifice him for his own sake? Is that really the right thing To do?

"You Love him that much, do you?"

The door opened again and another person walked inside the place.

"Rindou." I gritted my teeth when I saw him walking towards me. He wasn't smiling. The familiar smirk plastered on his place wasn't there. Not a single emotion can be see on his Face.

I heard him sigh as he knelt down infront of me and took out a Phone out of his pocket. My eyes widened when I realized it was my Phone.

"O-Oi What do you think You're doing with my Phone?!"

"He's waiting for you." He said that made me stop. He faced me the screen of my Phone and there I saw a bunch of text messages coming from Sanzu. Tears started flowing down my eyes as soon as I started reading his messages.

From: Sanzu
Hey, where are you?

From: Sanzu
Sweetheart please answer me..

From: Sanzu
Sweetheart I know you Don't wanna
talk To me right now because of What
you witnessed but please let me explain..

From: Sanzu
I was supposed to meat with a dealer there.
It was supposed to be a fast transaction but
while I was on the phone, the dealer told me
to meet me at the room you saw us.
I didn't know that the dealer I was meeting
was a girl! Sweetheart the next thing I know
she was undressing me while she was just on
a fucking towel! Of course I pushed her away
and went out of the suite but she suddenly
Pulled me into a disgusting kiss... that's when
you saw us.. Sweetheart please believe me..
I'm telling the truth!
cross my heart hope that b*tch to die!

From: Sanzu
I Love you more than anything in the
world and I Don't know What To do
if ever you leave me..

From: Sanzu
Still No response?

From: Sanzu
Hey c'mon! Sweetheart you
aren't gonna leave me like this,
are you?

From: Sanzu
Well, I know you won't leave me:>
You promised, right?
I know you won't break your

From: Sanzu
I love you<3

From: Sanzu
Sweetheart I'm getting worried.
Send me your location asap.

From: Sanzu
Fine. I'll wait you here at the park
near your condo. I'll wait for 30 minutes.
If you're still not here, I'll look for you.

"Whenever he's with you, he's geneunly happy. He loves you so much, Y/n and I know you feel the same thing towards him." Rindou turned the Phone off after I read the next messages and placed the Phone on my lap.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't enter a relationship with him if I Don't Love him, dummy." I chuckled bitterly.

"He's lucky.. he's very lucky.."

My eyes widened when he started untying the ropes on my legs. "H-Hey What are you doing?" I asked while looking down on What he was doing.

He moved To My back and untied the ropes on my hands. "Didn't I tell you? He's waiting for you."

Once the ropes were fully untied, I stood up and faced him with a confused expression. "Why.. Why are you doing this? You wanted us To be seperated too, right? And Besides! Sano's gonna be furious once he—"

"I Don't know, Y/n. I Don't know." He covered up half of his Face and looked at me with a sad smile. "I Don't know Why care for someone who obviously doesn't remember me.."


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