
Start from the beginning

Where can we put our bags? Tubbo asked

There's the studio upstairs, leave them there.

k, thank you. Tommy said

That felt kinda awkward for no reason. Anyways then we got in the car and the first thing that I've done is to blast music in his car. The airport wasn't to far away, just 30 km so the trip was about 15 minutes. As we were singing, I saw a really big building.

I've never seen London's Airport, It's huge! I say

Yeah, it's pretty big. Tommy reply

We turn down the music volume a bit so we can search for a spot where we can park.
It took us a while to find a spot but then we got out of the car. We looked around us since me, Tubbo and Tommy never been here.

Well guys, let's go! Wilbur said

We reached the gate and waited to see when Quackity would appear.

Does anybody see him? I ask

Nope. Tommy replied

There are a lot of people it'll be quite hard to see him.

Another notification on Wilbur's phone. He immediately check and it was Quackity.

"Where are u?"

"are u lost baby girl?"

"you wish huh? Anyways
let's meet at the airport's


GUYS quackity told me to meet at mcdonald's told us

Then, let's go. I say

We head mcdonald's and we see Quackity with his bag in one hand.


We spent the rest of the evening to pick up Nick, George, Ranboo and Niki


We were all so tired now and it was about 9 pm when we all got home. Someone had to cook but instead I decided to order some pizza to eat.

What's the plan for tomorrow? Niki asks

We'll figure something out, maybe doing a stream

Alright. Ranboo said

We were all laying on the couch when Sapnap asked me

Tell us more about you, who are u actually?

Well... I'm Y/N, a 22 years old girl from Brighton, I play minecraft as well but i'm not a streamer or a creator. That's all.

Nice to meet you then.

Will whispered in ear: Hey, should we tell them now?

Suddendly someone knocked on the door and I got up to see who it was.

Hello, here are all your pizzas! The pizza guy said

Thank you so much. I payed him then i closed the door and I tried to take the pizzas to the kitchen carefully. The other followed me and we took our pizzas to the table and started to eat and talking about stuff

Guys, actually I have to tell you something... I say with a concerning face

I look at wilbur and he slowly nods.

So, uhm... Me and Will are dating

Quackity chockes on his pizza and shouts "WHAT?!". Everyone stares at me and Wilbur trying to realize what I just said. "For real Will?" Sapnap asks. "Yes it is" he says. "I knew it since you told me about her" Tommy says in a jokingly voice. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU ALREADY KNEW-" "YEAH, I'M SURPRISED TOO BUT HAPPY FOR YOU" George says as Niki cuts him off. Then Wilbur stands up and slowly walks to me smiling. "what?" I ask confused. He stares at me and suddendly he started kissing me in front of all of his friends. "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO WATCH, CHILD" George shouts as he covers Tommy's eyes.

and that's it guys. I hope you enjoyed this story, It's not that good but it's my first story actually. Thank you so much for the support!! Story completed.

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