She peeked over her shoulder and arched an eyebrow. “I'm listening.”

He twisted a strand of her hair around his finger, enjoying the feel of it...knowing he could wrap her around his finger whenever he had a mind to. “How would you feel about starting a family right away?”

“And how soon is right away?”

He grinned down at her, knowing he was about to have a fight on his hands. “I'm hoping to have my child planted in you by springtime.”

“Oh, really?”

“Is that a problem?”

She smiled softly. “Actually, that sounds wonderful. I'll go in to my doctor next week and get my IUD taken out.”

Wow. That was too easy. He narrowed his eyes at her. Where was the snarky comments and the sassy temper and the control-freak issues? Sally never complied to anything so easily. “What are you thinking about?”

“I'm thinking how wonderful it'd be to have a baby,” she answered sincerely and with a yearning glowing through her face. Oh, sweet Jesus, he could have cried. She truly wanted to have his lucky could a man get? She stared at her ring again and said, “I've been a wishful woman for too long. Finally, I'm getting everything, wrapped up, marriage, a baby...”

“Don't forget the couple million dollars I'm now worth,” he added with a grin.

Her eyes widened to swallow up most of her astounded expression, and she twisted around so fast, her knee bumped him in the groin. Pain exploded everywhere, and his hands immediately covered and protected the sensitive area. Someone shouted out something, and it sounded a hell of a lot like his voice, but all he could concentrate on was the throbbing anguish as his balls fled up into his chest cavity.

“Oh, Wil...I'm so sorry,” Sally cried out, bouncing around on the mattress more than necessary. “Can I get you something?”

Just stop moving.

“Some ice?” she offered, and his gun-shy testicles protested loudly and intensely. No ice!

“I'm okay,” he managed to get out before she volunteered to rub them down with a muscle liniment. If she came anywhere near his little guys with some Icy Hot or Bengay, this relationship was over. “Just give me a minute.”

“Are you sure I can't do anything?”

“No,” he shook his head, squeezing his eyes closed and trying to relocate his balls. “I'll be fine. It's a good thing there wasn't anything left in them. That would have hurt more.”

She sat up, hugging her knees and chewing on her bottom lip as the agony gradually diminished. “Wil?”


“I'll, uh...go take a shower...”

He nodded to show he understood, but frankly there was only so much he could focus on. Right now, the possibility of being a father ever in this lifetime took front and center in his mind. The bed shifted as she got up and clomped down the short hall to the little bathroom, her heeled boots still on her feet. The memory of those boots wrapped around his waist earlier lessened his suffering.

“Holy shit!”

Her scream ricocheted through the hazy pain still fogging his brain. He bolted out of the bed – suddenly wished he hadn't – and followed the sound of Sally's muffled curses. He found her, one boot off, the shower running, and her other booted foot holding down the head of a vicious-looking rattlesnake...only the snake didn't have a rattle. Odd, that.

“That's a snake,” he pointed out.

“Yeah,” she grimaced. “It struck me, too.”

He heard her...ran that last part by his comprehension mode again – the one still not working properly – and he froze on the spot. “What?! It bit you?!”

“I'm fine,” she said, tilting her head to the side to study her captive. “It struck the boot. I barely felt it.”

He really wished she'd turn loose of that he could kill the bastard for striking her. “Come on out of here. Close it up in the shower, and let's go look at your leg...just to be sure.”

Sally didn't seem to hear him. “You know, I think I recognize this snake.”

Wilson was steadily loosing his patience. “A good friend of yours? Good, now get out of there.”

She complied, and he exhaled roughly through his nose, shutting the glass shower door quickly. Sally bent down on her haunches to watch it coil up and glare at her. “I do know him. That's Reggie. He belongs to a guy at my deer camp. Jared...he's a wildlife officer for the state.”

He didn't give a flying fig if the creature was sent from God Himself. He wanted Sally away from it. He tugged on her arm to get her back to the bed so he could take a look at her leg. “Wonderful. Please come back so we can look at the bite.”

“He didn't bite me,” she said. “If anything, he barely scratched me through the boot. Besides, Reggie's so old his venom couldn't kill a flea.”

As soon as she stood up, her face paled and she swayed against him. “Whoa,” she moaned. “Head rush.”

Head rush, his ass. She'd been bitten by a rattlesnake. Wilson picked her up in his arms and maneuvered her to the bedroom. The boot came off with a quick tug, and...

“Ow!” Sally shouted at him. “What the hell?” She peered down. Wilson felt his heart clench up. A fang, broken off from the old snake, lay embedded in her ankle...with a drop of milky-colored venom trickling down her skin. Sally plucked the fang out and stared at it.

“Wil?...I don't feel so well...”

“That could just be shock,” he said more to himself than to her. “We should get you to the hospital.”

She dropped the fang on the mattress like it burned her flesh. “I don't think I can drive.” She rocked slowly from side to side. Wilson wasn't sure if she realized she was doing it. Panic hit him like a gunshot. Snake bites could take hours before the symptoms arise. Why in the world were they appearing this quickly? Unless...that snake injected more venom in her than normal, or she had some kind of allergy, or something?

“Time to go,” he barked, and scurried around for her dress. Obviously disoriented, Sally limply tried to dress herself, but she plainly couldn't do it. Scared out of his mind for her, Wilson threw on his jeans, his boots and a shirt, and carried her out to his truck.

He hoped to God and all His angels that he could get her to a hospital quickly. Please, don't let anything happen to her.

However, the series of event that followed showed Wilson just how diligent God was on supervising His prayers. His pocket knife stuck out of a tire, and he didn't have the time to contemplate how it got there. So he drove Sally's truck to the nearest hospital, with the sole resident of his heart curled up on the bench seat, moaning in agony. Later on, he wasn't exactly sure how it happened...but one second he was yelling at a nurse to give him some answers on Sally's status and another he was being escorted out to a police cruiser with Richard Sanborn staring at him curiously.

Not the best way to meet his future brother-in-law.

Wilson did remember calling over his shoulder, “Hey, Richard, do you mind if I marry your sister?”

Richard called back, “You realize you're being arrested right now, don't you?”

“It occurred to me,” Wilson said back, just as the back door slammed shut, and he swallowed down the fear of facing another jail cell.

Sally: Autumn Storms (F&L Story #4)Where stories live. Discover now